meet the new fox king = lazy naruto

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( naruto pov )

Sigh ' I can thank kurama for one thing at least ' I thought looking at the eight foxes in front of me . ' are you insulting me kit ' ' no kurama I'm not ' ' good luck being next king kit ' " so what do you want again " I asked bordly. the sliver fox like man answered for the group in my bedroom . " you need to be trained my lord . " " for what " " being the next king of course " " to much work no thank you . " " my name is yuuki sir , the two blondes are amanda and katsuo , the five silver haired ones are me , alex,tobi, shadow , and yumi . Raven is the black haired one . " " can you get out my house it's three a clock in the morning . " I said before rolling over . I felt eight small bodies around mine .


( next day )

I woke up only to see eight people standing next to my bed with food and one of my kimono's " good morning master " the eight say .yuuki put the food in my lap . I slowly sat up eating my food . " why are you here again and thanks for the food " " were here to train you to be the next fox king " " and why is that " " well your the highest canident plus you have ten tails " " so what i didn't sign up for this now please leave my house " "now listen here you little shit your going to be the next king . People would kill for this job " yelled shadow. " well they can have it . Now leave me alone " yelled the calm brunette. " naruto-sama think about it would you really want some weak six tailed fox ruling when you the only ten tailed can . " " why don't you people get it i maybe a ten tailed kitsue but i don't want or need to rule a race of demons "  " please rethink about it master" yumi whispered shyly. " what's your name " asked naruto looking at the female kitsue . " yumi master "  " yumi " he purred out slightly happy . In meer seconds he was behind the silver haired beauty. " mine" he growled in a feral voice as he pulled her against his chest . The slivernette blushed bright red as he snuggled his head into her neck.  " master she seems uncomfortable can you please let her go " asked yuuki  . Naruto slowly let go of the blushing yumi wondering what happened " hmm i never reacted to a female that way before. What just happened to me " the brunette asked looking at yuuki . " i believe you just found your mate for life master "  he responded looking at his sister.  " please rethink about it mate " yumi said blushing as everyone turned back to her . " dammit " naruto said looking at her version of the puppy dog eyes . " fine you have a deal . " he said " great please sign here master "  yuuki said pulling out a contract.  " and what is this for ? "  he asked reading it " this states that you naruto Uzumaki - namikaze are willing to be the next fox king after your mentor kyuubi no kitsue." " fine " the calm brunette said.  He bit his thumb drawling blood he signed his name and put a bloody thumb print . " there happy now ." "I'm happy mate " yumi said walking up to naruto.  " why " " because your mine " the female kitsue said pecking the mans cheek causing him to blush. he lifted his thumb to lick the blood away only for yumi to take his hand and stick his thumb into her mouth . She licked his thumb sensuality lapping up his the blood like it was her favorite sucker . A soft pop sounded after she let his thumb go . Naruto blushed bright red as he looked down at his mate  

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