“Ready?” Julie asked as she joined her in the living room.

“Yeah.” She turned and found her little sister really got dolled up; she was wearing some make up to go along with her denim dress. “Are you sure you won’t be cold in that?” they were in the middle of winter.

“I have a jacket.”

“Ok, then. Any ideas on what exactly we’re doing?”

“We’re going to be two teenage girls going to the mall, we can look at clothes and get something to eat for lunch and whatever else we see.” for her it was that simple, they were going out and having fun which meant plans weren’t needed.

Ariana tried to follow Julie’s attitude and not sweat the little things. It was actually harder then it sounded.

First things first at the mall were the clothing shops. Julie had saved up a nice chuck of her allowance and intended to use it. Ariana wanted to ask why Julie hadn’t done something like this with her friends but refrained. She didn’t want to ask questions that might darken the mood. Whatever the reasons she was happy Julie decided to have her fun girl’s day out with her.

“What do you think?” Julie asked, holding up a red halter top.

“Um maybe when you’re eighteen?” Ariana wanted to be the cool older sister but she also had to be true to herself.

“Then why don’t you try it on? My brother would love it.”

Ariana’s heart stopped. “What?”

“Nothing.” Julie said as she quickly realized she said too much. “It’s just…I’ve noticed how he looks at you.”

Ariana told herself to calm down, Julie didn’t know the truth, she only suspected Jax had a crush. That wasn’t too bad. “I don’t understand.”

“You’d make such a cute couple.”

It was nice to know Julie thought so and when they truth came out they’d have someone on their side. “We’re all family now.” she had to say the words she was supposed to say not the words she wanted to scream until she was blue in the face. Like how madly in love she was with Jax.

“Yeah but come on, step brother and sister getting together is the best cliché in the world.” It wasn’t a nice feeling to know your life was one big cliché. “He likes you, I know he does.” Julie continued.

“What makes you say that?” Ariana was truly interested in the answer.

“He doesn’t just let anybody in but with you he talks a lot more and you hang out in each other’s room. You’re friends and Jax doesn’t really have friends.”

“Exactly, we’re friends.” She tried to figure out a way to drop this subject while she pretended to be looking through the clothes rack of shirts next to her.

“Right, so you don’t like him?” Julie didn’t sound like she’d believe that.

Ariana sighed and faced the younger girl. “Ok let’s say hypothetically I do like Jax and he likes me, then what? Our parents are married and I know they wouldn’t allow a relationship between us so it’s pointless to even talk about.” Her heart sank and made a new crack every time she thought of their parents reaction, it wasn’t pretty and it made her think they were doing something wrong when she kept trying to believe that wasn’t the case.

“Ah ha! You do like him.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Julie opened her mouth to again counter Ariana’s words only to close it when they were no longer alone. Ariana couldn’t be happier to see Charlie. “Hi.” She said to him, thankful for the distraction. “This is Julie my new sister.”

Charlie turned his attention to the young girl. “Hello beautiful.” He knew when to be nice and turn up the charm.

Ariana got a kick out of watching Julie swoon in the middle of the store. “What are you doing here?” she asked Charlie before he said something else and Julie melted into a puddle on the floor.

“Killing time and helping my date find something new to wear.” He didn’t look that into it but any excuse to get out of the house seemed like a good one. “What are you lovely ladies doing?”

“Finding Ariana something super sexy tonight to wear to that party.” Julie answered, she was still blushing from Charlie’s comments but the wheels in her head were spinning pretty fast.

It made Ariana nervous. “We are? Why?”

Julie grinned and that made farther worsened Ariana’s fear. “Because there might be someone there you want to entice. Maybe someone a little older and has blue eyes. I’ll be back.” She took off running to another rack of clothing.

Ariana couldn’t believe this, Julie was actually trying to set her up with Jax. She had forgotten Charlie was there until he laughed. “I guess she doesn’t know you’re already in love with her brother.” He commented.

Ariana sighed and knew this trip just got much more complicated. “Nope.”

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