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Well I guess I'll start with the basics...

My names Kayla and I'm in 10th grade right now.
I do online school.
I spend wayyy too much time on YouTube and playing video games.
I sorta, maybe like bands....
Lol jk I'm completely obsessed.
My bio basically says a few of the bands that I like. My favorite genre is metalcore, but I also really like a lot of post-hardcore and death core. And I also like punk pop and some screamo ukulele emo punk rock *cough cough* Twenty One Pilots *Cough cough*
Umm I own way too much band
merch, if that's even a thing.
I live in Florida.
I like to make other people happy, and being there for others, cause I know how it feels when you have no one there for you. It sucks ;-;
Andd ya, that's all you guys really need to know about meh.
Pm me anytime.

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