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Hey man
I just want to say that I'm your biggest fan
Your an inspiration to people like me who grew up without a fam
When I was scared I had no one to hold my hand
Until I heard your music
Before then my life seemed really useless
I was always doubting myself and not realising my true potential
But I got touched by your songs, your words your beats your tempo
And don't think I'll ever forget your motto
"You must lead and leave everyone else to follow"
I want to be just like you
I wish I had your IQ
I don't know why I get tired every time I open a Bible
I had a troubled childhood
Everything i did was never good
Enough for the people who really should
Have cared
Every time I had a night mare
Every night I wished my mother was there
To tell me not to worry and that everything will be alright
But thinking about her made me cry throughout the night
Then i heard your songs
Listened to them all night long
They taught me to be strong
They helped me to hold on
Every time things were tough and all hope was gone

You played a big role in my life
Your songs were there to guide me
When I wanted to slit my neck with a knife
Your voice kept repeating
In my head <but I dream in black and white
And nothing is clear
My thoughts start to drift
And I feel the end is near>
This is what happens when i don't hear your voice
I don't know what choice
I should take when I'm out with my 6 year old boys
So I leave them in the park, because there's too much noise.
Hearing you again will make my soul rejoice

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