Tails Doll's Wrath

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I remember the terrible fate of my friend Lucas. I will never forget the horrid, terrible image of his beaten, sliced body and his painful, lost screech. It's all because off that doll. They call it the Tails Doll. They say it is an orange doll with two tails, empty eyes, and a blood red gem atop it's head.

Lucas and I were major Sonic the Hedgehog fans. A few months ago Lucas got a game called Sonic R. It was a game where you selected your character and raced across the various levels of the game. You could play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Eggman, Super Sonic, Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and the Tails Doll. You had to unlock the last four characters in that list. Lucas was instantly addicted. It was a pretty fun game. He made me come to his house every day just so we could play the game together!

One day, after a long hour of playing, I went home. I decided to research the game, just because I was bored and I might be able to find some good cheats on the game. As soon as I researched it on the internet, I didn't see anything screaming "Hey, here's a list of cheats for Sonic R", but I did find something interesting. "Sonic R: Curse of the Tails Doll," I read aloud. I clicked on the website.

"If you unlock the Tails Doll, you must remember to NEVER play as it. Especially in Tag Mode. If you play as the doll in Tag mode against Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and Super Sonic, you'll be sure to catch Super Sonic last. Once you catch him, your in danger. The doll you just played as will emerge from the screen and kill you. 

There is another easier curse. Unfortunately, with the same result. You can lock yourself in a dark bathroom and play Living In The City backwards. Be alone or with one friend. The Tails Doll will come out of the mirror and kill you. 


I was frightened out of my mind. Not to mention knowing Lucas, he'd play as every character in every mode. I no longer cared about how late it was. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and dialed Lucas' number. 

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, man. I have to tell you something really important,"

"Well, what is it?"

"Whatever you do, never play as Tails Doll in Sonic R. Especially in Tag Mode!"

"Hm? Yeahhhh ok dude, ok. I won't." Lucas sarcastically said as he hung up.

 That's not good. What if everything the website said was true? What if that doll kills Lucas? I don't want my best friend to die! I couldn't sleep last night, making my morning horrible. School wasn't good either. I almost slept through math class and it seemed as though all my teachers were picking on me! What shocked me was the fact that Lucas didn't make it to school today. After school ended, I tried to call him. No answer. I'd go to his house right away, but I had more homework than usual. And to make things better, my mom gave me tons of chores. After all of that hard work, I thought I'd get some rest. I over-rested, of course. I read the clock. It said 11:46 PM. I have to go!

I ran to Lucas' house. I banged on the door, but there was no answer. I got tired of knocking and kicked the door down. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called. No one was there. Not even Lucas' mother was home. I ran up the stairs to his room. I opened the door just to see the terror that would never leave my memories. I saw a doll. It was orange, had two tails, and a gem atop it's head. "Tails Doll," I whispered. It turned around and looked me in the eye. I looked at it back, staring into it's cold, empty eyes. Its face seemed to change. It's eyes became red and black, and what once was mouthless now had a large, toothy grin. It looked back at Lucas, who was pinned to the wall. Claws appeared on the Tails Doll's hands, and it immediately pierced them into Lucas' chest. He let out a cry of pain. "Noooo!" I exclaimed. Lucas' eyes no longer had character, and he then fell to the floor. The Tails Doll looked back at me with an eerie smile on it's face. I thought for sure that I was going to die. Instead, the doll disappeared. I looked back at Lucas' dead body. "I told you." I quietly said. I then walked out and began home.


Don't be a fool like Lucas and be oblivious to others' warnings.

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