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(I'm back! And I have a lot to say at the start here so I'd appreciate it if you read this. So first of all thank you to everyone who wanted more of this, it's really nice to hear that people enjoy my writing!
Secondly, I wrote another fanfiction with the same Demon Levi in it called 'Living forever is hard' and that's set after this one and at the same time the anime/manga is set. So I'm going to make this one at like the start of Eruri's relationship, you know where they're working out all the kinks etc. Does that make sense?
Lastly this does have smut in it, now I've said before I don't tend to like writing smut because 1.) It gets my stories set to mature. And 2.) I don't think I'm very good at it. But it was requested so it's there. So yeah that's all I really have to say.)

Rain tapped against the window as Erwin sat at his desk finishing off the evening's paperwork. It's quiet and comfortable, if he can ignore the gunmetal blue eyes that were watching him. Erwin looked over to meet Levi's gaze. He simply sat lounging over the arm of one the sofas that sat across from Erwin's desk. Erwin noticed the way his tail was flicking off the seat like a mischievous cat. He couldn't help but feel Levi was planning something.
It was like this most night - Levi curled up in his armchair waiting for Erwin to finish his work - and had been since Levi couldn't manage to be around the cadets. Erwin had trusted him, once.
Erwin decided he'd allow Levi some time with the cadets to socialise. Erwin gave him a week to learn his chores and duties in the Corps before he started training with the cadets. He introduced Levi to the group and left him with the drill sergeant. He'll be fine Erwin told himself.

He wasn't fine. Not even an hour later a knock sounded on Erwin's door. He told them to enter and when the door opened there he was. Levi was pushed in the room followed by the sergeant who'd taken him that morning and one of the cadets. Levi seemed in good shape, nothing but a scuff on his forehead and some grass stains on his uniform pants. The other cadet wasn't so good, he had a bleeding nose, a busted lip and tears you'd expect from a two year old. "He's your problem, Smith," the sergeant had bellowed, "keep him away from the cadets. He's an animal." With that he dragged the other boy from the room and slammed the door.

Erwin simply watched Levi at first, surveying his pout and crossed arms. Levi wouldn't meet his eye. "Levi." Erwin said, making sure to let disappointment drip through his voice. But still Levi stood, stubborn. "Come here." Erwin made another attempt to move him. Levi's eyes flashed towards Erwin before he reluctantly moved. Levi stood in front of his lover. "Care to explain." Erwin asked, turning his chair to face his little demon.
"They called me..." Levi huffed before he continued, "your little pet and they were trying to see my tail and he saying I talked funny." Levi blushed a little knowing how childish it sounded. Erwin had been concerned about the way Levi spoke, he struggled because of the many years he's been detached from humans. "Then I hit him. A lot." Levi finished. Erwin noticed Levi began to figit the longer he stayed silent. He finally sighed, "Come here." Erwin opened his arms allowing Levi to climb into his lap.
Levi's fingers curled into the front of his shirt and his head thumped down onto Erwin's shoulder. Naturally Erwin hugged him, he couldn't help feeling like this was his fault. He was wrong to assume Levi would be okay, he's spent most of his life alone and then Erwin throws him into a class of haughty cadets, expecting things to be fine. But he did swell with a little bit of pride when Levi muttered, "I'm sorry I reacted. That's not what a soldier should do."

So now Levi trained privately with Erwin and some of the squad leaders. If Erwin was busy Levi would complete his chores, walk around the grounds - on the condition that he doesn't cause trouble - or sit in Erwin's office drinking tea; something Erwin discovered he likes a lot.
It was actually on one of those expeditions around the grounds that Levi started another one of their nightly routines.

Erwin had once again been peacefully doing paperwork when Levi burst in the door. "Erwin, Erwin. Come come." Levi said lightly pulling on Erwin's sleeve. The commander finished signing off his report before he put his pen down to follow Levi. He practically dragged Erwin down the hall by the sleeve of his jacket to the room he'd found. Erwin recognized it instantly. It was the book archive. The archive houses a good few books to help soldiers further their knowledge of things like: How the 3dmg actually works, How to properly maintain your harnesses. Some practical, some for the more curious. "I don't understand." Levi said pulling a book from a shelf. He opened it to a random page and turned it for Erwin to see. "What's this?" He asked. Levi turned more pages and shrugged, "I don't understand."
"It's a book, Levi." Erwin chuckled. Levi cocked his head a little, truely an adorable gesture. "You read them. Some give you information, others are simply made up stories by people called authors. Can you not read, Levi?" Levi looked back at the book in his hand and shook his head. Erwin smiled, "How about I teach you? It's a very important skill and it's something you'll definitely need." Levi actually smiled a little at that. "Yeah, you teach me." He said.
"Okay, but maybe we'll start on something a little easier than this." Erwin took the book from Levi to put back on the shelf only to notice the title. How to properly maintain and clean 3dmg.
Cleaning being another one of Levi's favourite things to do.

Most every night Erwin started to teach Levi to read and write. He took to it well, practising as hard as he could on every aspect of the skill. Levi learnt quickly but still struggled sometimes, some rules would catch him out or he'd forget what the letters look like. Erwin found the more they practiced the better his speech got as well. By this point he only slipped up on silly things, he'd use the wrong tense on a word or he'd miss little unimportant words in his sentences.

But it seemed that tonight Levi had other ideas. Erwin tried to ignore him as long as possible, he really need to get this work done. He was almost done as well, he had two more reports to read and approve when he heard motion in the room. Not daring to look up he tried to continue, but two small hand lay gently on his shoulders. At first they were soothing and easy to ignore but then they started travelling down his chest. Erwin felt Levi's chin rest on his shoulder and stupidly Erwin turned his head, gently kissing Levi's cheek. Levi took that as his queue, whipping Erwin's pen from his hand and pulling out his chair just enough for Levi to place himself on Erwin's lap. "Levi, I need to finish these reports." Erwin managed to keep his voice stern.
"Later." Levi said. Levi seemed to ignore the fact that it was late and there wasn't really a 'later' as such but Erwin knew there was no way out of this now.

This was the last thing that made up his Levi. His tea drinking, clean freak Levi also enjoyed sex. Enjoyed being an understatement, Levi had a sex drive that could challenge and win against any teenage boy. Erwin had even gone to Hanji about it after a rather long night in which Levi physically rode Erwin to sleep. Hanji had simply said that that's the way he is and always will be. Erwin doesn't complain about it, I mean it's amazing to have a partner who can last longer than him but if he was honest with himself he was getting older and sometimes it was hard to keep up. For example, the nights where they had done it at least three times in various different places and Levi still wants to keep going after Erwin had given him all he's got.

Tonight would be the same as any other time they'd ended up in a tangle of limbs. Levi tended to start with biting, loosening Erwin's shirt and trailing sharp-toothed bites down his chest. Levi bit all the places he could from his position in Erwin's lap. Then came the kissing, rough being the predominant word. Levi changed his position a bit so he could grind himself against Erwin knowing he would snap soon. Erwin tried to resist, he needed to finish work before he could indulge Levi, but this boy was criminal. And just as Levi suspected Erwin snapped when he preformed a well placed bite and a perfectly time rut. Paper and ink were swept to the floor and Levi was on his back on the desk before he could notice the mess. Erwin only now realised how pent up he must have been as he ripped Levi's shirt open with no real care. Levi wrapped his tail around Erwin's thigh, moaning and coaxing Erwin's action further.

Erwin grabbed Levi's hips, turning him over and placing his feet back on the floor. Levi's pants were then promptly pulled to his thighs. Erwin stopped touching Levi to search his drawers, he cursed to himself realising he had no sort of oil for Levi. "Levi, we can't I don't have any-" he was cut off when Levi pulled his hand to his hole to feel it was already open and slick. "You devil. You planned this." He said pushing three fingers into Levi.
"I knew you'd give in." Levi airly laughed. From that point it became a mess of quick thrusts and Levi's very delicious moans. Erwin had a technique that he used to tire Levi out and in most cases it worked. Erwin puts Levi in as many different postions he can before they cum. This time he's had him starting on his lap, to throwing him down onto the desk, to fucking him from behind over it before his final move. It's simple but effective. In one smooth motion Erwin pulls Levi back until he sits back in his chair, forcing Levi to complete himself. It seems to do the trick, causing Levi to shout as he cums.

Finishing, Erwin pulls out and slides Levi into his lap so that his little legs relax over the armrest. "You've made a mess." Levi says from the crook of Erwin's neck.
"And you've ruined that report you were writing."
"Do you care?"
"Nope." Erwin smiled. "I love you Levi." Erwin knew he wouldn't get a reply but his smile grew when he felt the tip of Levi's tail gently tapping against his leg. So maybe work could wait until later.

(Ahh! I know, more of me talking at the end too but I just wanted to say do let me know if you liked this and if I should continue. I don't plan on making this as long as my other Demon Levi fic but I will probably continue it a little more.)

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