Chapter 2: Transfer student?!

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So I've actually decided to change this story to past tense instead of present tense... I really suck at present tense and I can't believe I actually wanted to have a try at it. Hehe. xD


Chapter 2: Transfer student?!

We stared at each other for a while at a distance of about one shelf away. His hair was jet black and kind of messy, though I didn't think there was any gel on it, making it look extremely natural. His eyes were as dark as his hair, pitless and completely, well, black. He stood tall, at about 1.75metres and his young face told me that he was around my age. Overall, he looked kind of dashing.

My eyes then darted to his right shoulder, where the little creature sat with his legs dangling down. I'd been praying the whole entire time for it not to be true, but once I did see the Ellerwyn's pair of sunshine wings, there was nothing else for me to do but admit defeat. They looked totally like Levira's. A thick white cloth came down from his side, probably a belt, looking striking against his black pants. He wore a kind of vest over his grey shirt, making him look rather smart. Somehow, the more I looked at him, the more I thought Levira and that Ellerwyn looked exactly like twins, especially with that pair of prominent shade of green in their eyes.

 "See what I told you?" Levira whispered a little breathlessly. "We're no longer alone! Isn't that something to look forward to?"

 With that, I immediately stood up from my seat and started packing my things. There was no way I was going to continue staying here, letting that other one of my rare kind continue looking at me. Hurrying over to the counter, I borrowed the book on Greek Mythology and left. However, before I could take another step out of the library, I felt someone grab my arm. I groaned under my breath before turning around.

 "Hello?" the boy said a little hesitantly, his lips stretching into an unsure smile.

 "Do I know you?" I replied nonchalantly.

 He looked over to where Levira is. "She's your Ellerwyn, is that right?"

 "Yes, yes! I am!" And then just like that, his Ellerwyn and Levira started a conversation on their own, completely ignoring both of us Seirunes.

 I glared daggers at her before returning my attention to him. "Yes, she is, so what?"

 "You're a Library Seirune."

 "And so?"

 "I'm a Library Seirune too."

 "So?" I asked impatiently.

 That was when he looked crestfallen. "Do you not know that our kind are rare?"

 I rolled my eyes at him. "Can you at least remove your hand first? It's kind of hurting me." He apologised and complied. "Thank you. Now, let me tell you something. I've been a Library Seirune for almost twelve years of my life so how can I not know that my kind are rare? And also-" I said a bit louder and fiercer, hoping to cut him off as I saw his mouth opening again, "-just because you are also a Library Seirune doesn't mean we have to be friends or a couple, do you get me?"

 He blinked a few times before smiling wider and crossed his arms, gazing down at me, looking impressed. "Wow, and to think I actually thought that other Library Seirunes like you would be the quiet type. And no, I don't get you. Have you not been looking forward to this day whereby you're finally able to meet another?"

 Oh my god he was such a jerk. Quiet? He actually expected people like me to be quiet? I don't think so. "Haha, thank you so much for the compliment," I said sarcastically as I turned on my heels, getting ready to leave, but before I did, I mumbled loud enough for him to hear, "No, I haven't been looking forward to this day, and I hope that I will never see you again."

 "What if we do? Will you give me a kiss?" he asked teasingly. 

I twirled around and shouted at him. "Whatever! We're not going to see each other again anyway! Bye, loser!" I gave him the finger before finally going down the escalator, Levira fluttering hurriedly to my side.


 The rest of the Sunday went by quickly as I obviously spent the whole day after that basking in the pleasure of reading my book without much disruption. Levira kept talking about them on the walk home though, seeming to be overly happy to my liking, and when I did ask her if she wanted me to pair up with him, she told me that if I didn't want to, it was okay. I sighed at that and her understanding. I was also glad that she meant what she said, seeming how her facial expression didn't show any disappointment or such.

 Monday came and it was the usual school day. I didn't bother telling Faey and Belinda about my encounter the day before. We talked about other things, of course, together with their other half. It might probably be awkward to actually mix with two couples, but believe it or not, these guys never failed to include me into their conversation. It felt great to finally have a group of friends who really cared about me.

I met Faey first, single. Levira and May were great friends, and of course after that their friendship had to end because Faey found Galvin, a fellow Songwriter Seirune. We then met Belinda already together with Kevin a year later, who were both in love with art.

 The bell rang, and we returned back to our places. Mrs Cramrey entered and stood authoritively in front of her desk. The room went quiet.

 "Now, class, we're going have a new classmate with us today." She looked to the door. "You can come in now."

 A boy walked in. I frowned. Why does he look so familiar? And then I realised who he was when his Ellerwyn flew along. I tried to hide myself away, but I was too late -- he was already looking right at me, gleefully. Crap, this is not good, not good at all. The bet! By then everyone in the room had also realised who he was. Levira was already squealing with a high-pitched voice beside me.

 "Is he a Library Seirune?"

 "Oh my gosh I think he is."

 Murmurs, murmurs and more murmurs, before finally, all eyes landed onto me. Mrs Cramrey cleared her throat and everyone's attention returned to the front.

 "Class, this is Ethan Herring. Ethan, could you please intoduce yourself and your Ellerwyn?"

 He bowed once. "Hello everyone, I'm Ethan Herring. I'm a Library Seirune, as you can see from my Ellerwyn here, Dimtri. I hope everyone will treat me like a normal kid." Everyone in my class applaused, everyone, that is, except me. "Also, I have a question. I met a girl yesterday. She's also a Library Seirune, and she promised me a kiss. I saw a notebook of hers with this school's name printed on it. Unless I'm not mistaken, I'm sure she's my schoolmate. Does this school have another Library Seirune?" Damn my stupid notebook. I was holding it in my hand yesterday!

Everyone looked at me again, including Faey and Belinda with a frown on their faces. I sighed. This sucks so much. There was going to be tons of explanations to do.

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