Chapter Two

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Ak’iss led the way through the castle grounds while Ryder and Mira chatted idly. The corridors surrounding them had great windows that allowed the sunlight and breezes in. It was a nice autumn day and Mira loved the way the breeze felt.

            They wound their way down to the kitchens, Mira walked into the huge room, welcomed by the scent of fresh baked goods. She made a quick gesture with her hand to be sure the kitchen staff would not feel necessary to bow in her presence and swiped a small bread roll as she passed by.

            “Ak’iss bring Little Mira, Mother!” the kobold shouted suddenly.

            Ryder bowed as Queen Shaleer looked up from where she stood talking to the head chef, a handsome young half-elf who looked more than a little annoyed, and Captain of the Guard, Ben. A small smile appeared on the Queen’s face as she took in the presence.

            “Amira, Ryder, Ak’iss,” she greeted and politely excused herself from the present company.

            “Good Morn, Your Majesty.” Ryder said, a small smile lighting up his features as he dipped into a low bow.

            Mira studied her mother for a moment, before speaking. She was quite a lovely woman with long strawberry-blonde hair tinged with grey and the same bright blue eyes as her daughter. She was thin but strong. Mira could see the lines in her face that were growing deeper with age and the increasing stress of ruling Incarnia.

            “You sent for me, Mother?” Mira finally asked.

            The queen turned a warm smile to her daughter, “Indeed I did. I wish to discuss the matter of your upcoming birthday festival.”

            Mira groaned internally. She hated her birthday celebrations. Mira had had an older sister once. The girl, named Kyra, had disappeared shortly after her twelfth birthday. The search parties had been sent out in droves, and everyone in the kingdom was put on high alert. The search had lasted months. Finally, as fate would have it, a young hunter had stumbled upon the young princess’s dress, tattered and bloody. Kyra was given up for dead then, and the title of Crown Princess was passed down to six-year-old Mira. Ever since, the queen had doted, to the point of smothering, the only child she had left. To this extent, parties were extravagant; much too extravagant for Mira’s taste.

            “Now, Mira. Do not look at me like that. You are turning nineteen. You will be able to take the throne in a year’s time. This fest is important as we will be introducing you to our small kingdom.” Shaleer scolded her daughter, albeit amused by the girl’s expression.

            “Mother, everyone in the kingdom already knows me. Quite well. It’s not as if I stay holed up in the castle.” Mira argued quickly.

            “But they know you as the clumsy child-princess who spooks their horses and overturns their carts…” Ryder cut in with a laugh, causing Mira’s cheeks to flame.

            “That was one time and I was ten…” Mira muttered mutinously, her eyes shooting daggers at her friend.

            “Quiet! You both being very bad! Ak’iss scold! Quiet and listen to Mother!” Ak’iss shouted, startling them into silence. They had both completely forgotten his presence.

            Shaleer favored the kobold with a smile before turning back to her daughter. “Thank you, Ak’iss. Amira, it is not only the kingdom we must reintroduce you to as their future queen.” Shaleer stressed the words with a firm stare locked on her daughter, “But this is also when you will first be meeting your future husband.”

Incarnia (Title To Be Revised Later)Where stories live. Discover now