Chapter 1

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*Not Edited*

One week later, with much reluctance I went on the plane to Virginia. I spent all my time in the plane sulking and Snapchatting my friends that I left in Cali. When we landed, all I saw was clouds. In Cali, it was all sunshine and beaches. But here there was nothing. I bet there were only like 5 malls in the whole state. We got off the plane and rented a car and drove to our new neighborhood. At least the neighborhood wasn't that bad. We pulled up to our new house and it was 2 stories with a front yard connecting to the garage. I walked in and all the boxes and furniture was in the living room and spread out all over. I stepped my way carefully over to the box that was labeled Ana's Junk, Do Not Touch or You Will Die. I picked it up and walked up to the stairs. Cameron had left as soon as we got here. Something about not wanting to unpack. 

"Him and his lazy self." I thought. 

I found to biggest room with a huge walk in closet. 

"YES!" I thought. I decided to let the mover people move my stuff in my room. Since I was in short shorts and a tank top, I decided to change my outfit. I grabbed high waisted jeans and a crop top.  I grabbed my earbuds which had dropped out of my pocket and plugged them into my ears and blasted Shawn Mendes. I love the dude. I walked back downstairs where my mom was unpacking boxes. 

"Ana, why don't you go walk around and find some new friends," my mom said. 

"Yeah, sure just find some new friends in a new place with no nothing here except for clouds," I said sarcastically. 

My mom rolled her eyes so I walked outside. I walked down the street and ended up at a small park. I sat down on a bench and texted my friend Kel.

Me: my mom wants me 2 make new friends not gonna happen

kel: that sucks u c any cute boys

Me: im half way across the country and ur asking if there are any cute boys

kel: yep

Me: u want me 2 ship them 2 u

kel: yes please

Me: ew ur nasty

I rolled my eyes and looked up. I saw this cute boy walking towards me. He was wearing a gray hoodie with black shorts. He had on a pair of black glasses that made him look so much more hotter. I looked back at my phone. 

Me: cute boy walking towards me

kel: one hour in a new state and u already got a boy

Me: i dont even know him but he does look familiar

kel: how 

Me: idk but i know that ive seen him before

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy a couple steps away from me. 

Me: gtg

I quickly changed apps to Crossy Road and started playing it. The boy walked up to me, and I pretended to be surprised when I saw him. 

"Um.hi?" I said. 

"Hi. Are you new here?'' he asked.


"Where did you move from?" 

"I moved from Cali."

"Oh, cool. Mind if I sit down?"


I scooted over to make room for him. He sat down and looked at my phone. I looked at my phone and saw that I had 10 texts from Kel. I turned off my phone deciding to text her back later. 

Jacob Sartorius & IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat