"Mom, what's wrong?" Alorah asked, concerned as she walked towards her.

She smiled, "nothing, I'm just relieved and happy." She wiped her tears, Alorah smiled. Pulling her into a hug, grabbing onto Max and pulling him as well.

- - -

"Are you excited to start school?" Ana asked Max as they entered the kitchen for dinner. A few days had passed since they moved in and were finally getting accommodated.

Alorah took a seat, luckily the home was already furnished with the most necessary items. It was one less thing to worry about when they had packed their things.

"Not really," Max answered, already shoving half the plate down his throat.

Alorah didn't have to worry about that, she had skipped a grade and had already graduated a year early. She still remembers all the nights she'd stay up studying to ace her tests and get ahead. By the time she entered her sophomore year, she was determined to get out as soon as possible and that's just what she did.

Alorah was the introverted type, she believed it had something to do with the fact she and her little brother were always sheltered. Max was the only one who had friends as children. Alorah always found it difficult to make friends. The other girls would always include her but she never formed close bonds with any of them. She was always too busy taking care of Max while her mom worked and when her mom married Rob she was busy worrying about her.

They ate in silence, she watched Max scarf down his second plate of food. "You animal. You do realize there are two other people living in this house who need to eat." She pointed out.

"Oh stop it! Leave him alone. He needs to eat, he's a growing boy." Her mom reached over to rub his back.

It disgusted her sometimes, the way she would baby him. Her brother was a teenager now, not some little boy who needed 24/7 love and attention.

"Anyways," She looked up at her mom, "there's an opening position at the diner for a manager, and I think I'm going to apply for it."

"Mom! That's great!" She exclaimed.

She knew she had been looking for a job before they even arrived in La Push.

Her mother didn't need to stress so much about finding a new job. Alorah knew when her father died he left behind a decent amount of money for them to survive on. But, she was obsessed with saving it all in case of emergencies and college.

Alorah had also managed to get a job at the small souvenir/convenience shop on first beach. It pays minimum wage, and the lady she works with Tiffany was pretty nice, and all she had to do was some stocking and working the register.

"I'm just afraid they won't hire me."

She rolled her eyes, "mom, you have great work experience and everyone loves you!" She complimented, trying to make her feel better.

"Oh Lora, look at me! I look like a sack of potatoes, they probably want someone younger."

She groaned.

"Mom, you're beautiful." Max cut in for his older sister, she softly smiled at him.

She looked more closely at her aging mother, she definitely did not look like a sack of potatoes. But, it was obvious she was tired. She still remembered the days she wore makeup every day, looking so alive and full of youth. Her hair used to be so long, thick, and straight. Her eyes were so bright with the golden eye shadow she loved to wear, and her lips were always covered in red lipstick. Now her hair was cropped shorter with strands of grey, and she wore no make-up. They had Rob to blame for that. Her mother was at her happiest when her dad was alive.

Under the Moon | Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now