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Your pov •

After I got away from the guy who spilled my food all over me, I went to a table and sat alone. This really weird and annoying blonde girl came up to me and asked me if I liked dusk. I still had my earbuds in so I just pretended not to hear her. She sat down next to me and I just stared at her. Then another girl sat down next to her and got her to leave me alone. Unfortunately it was the end of lunch by then.

I got up to throw my leftovers away, and walked by the table of the guy who spilled his food all over me. I saw the friend he was with, as well as a blonde guy with cute hair and an adorable smile. He kind of looked like he was annoying his friends though.

I continued going about the rest of my day. Classes were boring, and people still stared, but I guess with food all over the front of my shirt, they did have a reason now. Why did we ever have to come back to this town? I was fine living my normal life in peace.

Benny pov •

WHY BENNY WHY DID YOU HAVE WATCH ETHAN EMBARRASS HIMSELF IN FRONT OF THE AMAZING TOWER OF BABE?!?! Or the girl. Girl is probably better. Good thinking Benny. Thanks Benny. You're welcome Benny! No Benny, focus.

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