Part 2 - Travels

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Part Two - Travels

The moment Paul had finally got John to look at him; John stared back at him angrily. Paul took a deep breath and then exhaled sharply.

"John I'm sorry about what happened. I just overreacted. I'm sure you didn't mean to—" Paul was cut off abruptly by John.

"You did that, thanks," John growled, standing up. Paul threw his arms up in an angry flail and stood face-to-face with John. Perhaps it wasn't the right thing to say at the time, but John was utterly pissed. He'd already ruined his chance, so what more could he do?

"That's not the point!" Paul hissed to the slightly taller man. John stayed silent so Paul crooned in a softer tone, "The point is that I just want to go back to normal!" Paul stared up at John.

"Fine, we'll forget about the whole thing," John replied, even though he'd rather not forget the softness of Paul's skin against his own. They stared at each other intensely for a moment. John thought he could've died just then.

"So... We've got to fly to Paris today," Paul suddenly stated. John nodded as he remembered that the band was heading off today.

"It's a beautiful place," John paused and then added, "Very romantic too." Way to go John. Way to keep it not totally aawkward.

'He didn't actually just say that did he?' Paul thought, raising an eyebrow. John blushed.

"Right," Paul spun on his heel and walked out of the kitchen, shaking his head.


Finally, the long car ride to where their plane took off was over, and everyone jumped out of the car eagerly, stretching. Of course, for safety reasons, they weren't at an actual airport. They were all waiting in an abandoned field waiting for a small private plane to take them away.

It was very peaceful there since the plane hadn't arrived yet and the afternoon sun rose above the trees. Birds chirped loudly and a chilled fall breeze swept through the open expanse of the field. Flowers of white, purple and yellow grew in the golden wheat field.

Paul lay on his back, twirling a pretty white flower in his fingers and watching the wheat blow around above him. John snuck up behind Paul, who had now closed his eyes, with two handfuls of flower petals. John laughed madly and threw the petals at Paul. Paul sat up quickly, sending flower petals everywhere. Paul stood, laughing.

"You will pay for that one, Lennon!" Paul said, and instantly John bolted toward Brian. John ran up and leapt onto Brian's back, making him stagger slightly.

"Eppy save me!" John cried, laughing, "Paul's a madman!" This definitely described what Paul looked like, because now, he was ripping up handfuls of grass and wheat, running straight at John and Brian. Brian chuckled and shook his head, trying to shake John off his back. John eventually fell off and sprinted away before falling because of a rabbit hole.

"No!" John wailed as Paul ran up, laughing maliciously.

"DIE!" Paul laughed as he threw the grass at John. Paul laughed and sat down next to John. This is how it was supposed to be.


Around an hour later, a loud noise was heard over the trees as a small plane started landing in the field. Everyone was leaning against the car, watching the plane. It wasn't too loud, but the air coming off of it blew off in hot gusts, whipping their clothes painfully against bare skin. Few extra flower petals and blades of grass blew out of everyone's hair. The engine cut abruptly and Brian urged them forward. Everyone ran forward, each of them running up the steps to the plane.

This plane was definitely built for long and comfortable flights as the seats looked soft and comfortable. Brian took a seat in the back, across the aisle from Ringo and George. Brian flipped up his newspaper and started to read. George leaned toward the window as they took off and looked out while Ringo took pictures. John and Paul slid in next to each other and looked out the window.

Paul was practically on top of John as he tried to look out the window. John patted Paul's back before he could comprehend his wrongdoing. Paul looked up at John, but he was smiling. So John left his hand where it was and decided to test his luck by leaning down and resting his chin on Paul's shoulder. Paul said nothing, nor did he tense up the slightest bit.

Paul was getting used to the nice little touches and conversations they'd spend together, so when John put his head down on Paul's shoulder, Paul simply let his head rest against John's.

John seemed puzzled, making Paul chuckle to himself. John didn't question Paul's laughter, probably because John was already asleep on Paul's shoulder.

There wasn't any really good way to say this other than blurting it out, but Paul was absolutely attracted to John. He wasnt attracted to other men; only John. He couldn't say why even if his life depended on it.

In his opinion, John was the most perfect person he'd ever seen. He had an amazing voice and the way his fingers strummed the strings of his guitar were mesmerizing. His eyes were a perfect caramel brown and his mouth was almost always curved in a smile.

No matter how much Paul was attracted to John though, he always had to hide it, even if it meant being rude about it.

Paul sighed, his thoughts swirling like a tornado through his mind. Eventually, the lights of New York City faded and the clouds blocked his view. Needless to say, that night, Paul saw the prettiest sunset he'd ever seen, and it was ten times better with John next to him.

|A/N idk what I think about this part. It's kinda a filler. Idk.

Comments and stuff are appreciated.

All You Need is Love,


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