Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: None of the Harry Potter characters in this story and most settings belong to me; this all belongs to the wonderful talented J.K. Rowling. Well except Armadi, she's a figment of my imagination.

Song "Wonderwall" belongs to Oasis.


Every day, for 2 weeks, I had to keep sneaking food into Harry's cupboard at breakfast and dinnertime. During school lunchtimes, I would have to buy him his lunch because mum stopped making it.

My poor cousin had gotten a terribly long punishment, longer than he ever had, because of that incident at the Zoo which wasn't even his fault. I continually attempted to reason with my parents to let it go, that he couldn't be at fault because how would he, a small, skinny, 10 year old boy, be able to get rid of a giant glass window?

So finally I was able to make them call it off, but not until after summer break had started. I could tell Harry was relieved school was finally over, but there was an issue for him trying to avoid Dudley and his friends, as they visited our house every day. I pulled him out as much as possible or kept him hidden in my room, trying to steer him away from their aggressive hands.

I pretty much avoided them because of Pier's crush on me. Gross.

One morning, halfway through summer, mum took Dudley and I to get our new junior high uniforms, Dudley's for dad's old private school, Smeltings, and mine for Baycross Academy, an all-girls private school.

"Oh sweetie you look wonderful!" Mum gushed as the seamstress finished fitting it on me.

I looked in the mirror and had to admit, I did look good. A long sleeve white puffy blouse with the school on the left breast, a pink plaid skirt, white long socks, black flats and a black beret.

On the other hand, my brother looked like a confused child with his uniform: A white, button up shirt with a maroon tailcoat over it, orange knickerbockers, a flat straw hat with a maroon ribbon on it, black dress shoes, and a round end cane of  sort that was used to hit other students while teachers weren't looking. I laughed when I heard that this was supposed to be training for later life, but as far as I'm concerned, all its training him to do is to get arrested.

After we got back home by late noon, I carried my 3 sets of uniforms and new white school bag into my room, then went back downstairs.

When I got to the living room, I saw Harry trying really hard to not burst out laughing. I looked at what he was staring at and began to giggle madly; Dudley was marching around the living room with his new school uniform, while Mum was crying and Dad looking beyond proud.

"Sweetheart, why aren't you wearing your uniform?" Dad asked, looking at me.

"Because I'm not showy or full of myself," I thought, but still made something up because I obviously couldn't tell them that.

"I don't want to risk ruining it because it's just too beautiful and I want my first day to be perfect," I burst into fake tears, "I'm so happy I'm going to Baycross daddy."

"Darling, come here," my dad hugged me, totally buying into my story, "I'm so proud of you." He began to cry too. Mum soon joined in and it was a whole crying mess. Dudley cried because no one paid attention to him and Harry cried from laughter.


The next morning, I pinched my nose as I entered the kitchen, which smelled terrible.

"Morning mum," I said in a nasally voice. "What's that smell?"

 "I'm just dyeing a few things in the sink," she said as she served me a plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes.

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