Chapter 2

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-faiths pov-
It's getting late and my mom will be home soon, so I left the house to go find jake. As soon as I left the house I saw jake. I ran up to him and we went back through the forest. He went home in his direction and I went in mine. I saw my mom pull up in the driveway before I got home. "Fuck" I murmured. I ran to the back of the house and climbed in through the window.
I jumped on to my bed and grabbed my phone, trying to act natural. My mom didn't walk into my room, so I went to take a shower.
When I got out of the shower I realized I forgot my clothes. So I wrapped a towel around myself and went back to my room. When I got there, I saw an elf guy sitting on my bed. I jumped back. "Who the hell are you?" I screamed at him. "My name is Ben" he said. He looked at the towel wrapped around me and grinned. "Okay pervert, what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked the perverted elf. "I want you to come with me" he replied. "No way" I told him sternly. "Why not?" He asked. "Why would I go with some perverted elf?" I said. He stood up and yelled "I'M NOT AN ELF!!"
"Okay okay jeez" I said. He sat back down.
"Could you leave? I'm not coming with you" I said to him. "Fine" he replied "but I'm coming back tomorrow"
"Okay whatever" I said, planning to lock all the windows and doors.
He stood up walked toward the window and jumped out. I ran to the window and locked it, then I went to my closet and pulled out my pjs. I put them on and went to bed.
The next morning I got out of bed and changed into a black veil brides hoodie, black tights, and my black vans(again).
I crept out the window and ran into the woods.
I had my earphones in and I was listening to "In the end" by black veil brides.
Something jumped onto me from behind, and everything went black.
-Jacks pov-
I knocked her out and now I'm taking her back to slendy's mansion.
-time skip:20 minutes-
When I got back to slendy's mansion i brought her to an empty room which will now be her room. I put her on the bed and sat in a chair on the other side of the room.

-time skip:the next day-

-Faiths pov-
I woke up and my head throbbed. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was In a bed in someone's house. "Good morning" I heard a voice say from the other side of the room. I looked around to see someone with a blue mask on, and black Pits for eyes. I scrambled back on the bed as he got up and moved closer to me. "BEN SHES AWAKE" he yelled. The door opened and the perverted elf walked in. He ran toward the bed I was in. "SLENDY" Ben yelled. The door opened once more and a tall faceless guy with tentacles walked in and came to the bed too. He was followed by a little girl with brown hair and a bloody pink dress. She skipped up to the bed too. "Do you want to play with me?" She asked.
I shook my head no. I slowly pulled my knife from the holster around my ankle. "That won't be necessary child" the tall faceless man said.
I started trembling as tears fell down my face. 'This is it' I thought 'I'm gonna die' I pulled my knees up to my chest as more tears fell.
"You aren't going to die" the tall faceless man said "we aren't going to hurt you"
"But Jeff might" ben said.
The tall faceless man slapped him across the face with a tentacle. Ben turned red and left the room.
I clutched the knife In My hand so tight my hand started to bleed, but what did that matter.
"What's your name?" The guy with the mask asked.
"f-faith" I whispered. "I'm jack" he said. "I'm Sally!" The little bloody girl said cheerfully, she pointed to the faceless man "and that's Slendy"
"And I'm guessing you know Ben?" Jack asked. I nodded my head. "Yea be careful around him, he's sorta perverted" he added.
More tears fell down my face. Slendy and Sally left the room, so it was just me and jack.
He sat down on the bed next to me.
I clutched the knife tighter and I bled even more. Jack noticed the blood running down my hand.
"Where'd that blood come from?" He asked sounding a bit panicked. He took my bloody hand and took the knife away. He wiped the blood off my hand using the sleeve of his hoodie. There was a huge deep cut from the knife. Jack went to another room and came back with a piece of cloth. He sat back down on the bed and wrapped my hand in the cloth. I keep trembling and tears poured down my face. Jack noticed and he hugged me. We stayed like that until Ben came into the room. "don't be stealing my girl jack" he said with a grin. Jack let me go and stood up. "She's not yours and you know that" Jack told him sternly. "Well lets see" Ben said. He looked at me and asked "are you mine?"
I couldn't answer him. Of course not but I couldn't say that. He might kill me. Even tho I'm a killer, they are all way stronger than I am.

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