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After a few years later in middle school I ended up in the same class as him. That's when things got worst. Not the part that he was in my class,but the girls there. They were so pretty. And here's me with a face full of pimples while all the other girls had clear faces. At first he went out with this Asian girl. Alice. Flawless. She was pretty much perfect. She was like a teachers pet,and got to sleep during class. But she had a secret. She was a lesbian. She kissed a girl and did you know what with another girl. Then he didn't go out with anyone else. One day when our reading teacher wasn't there he said" Do you want to see who gets do first and then go to the library?"he asked. " Sure !" I said with a smile. So we raced to see who would get done first he did and he helped me after. The we went up to the library to go on the computers and we played games. He asked" What are you do this Friday?" I said" I have dance." He kept asking me questions but after that we didn't really talk as much. Then comes time. The end of the year. He said he was going to the same school as me. " Oh great." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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