Chapter 2

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After Bella had her revelation she decided it was high time things, mainly her, got back to normal or as normal as could be after having been exposed to vampires. The first thing on her list of things to do was to have a talk with Charlie. Of course she couldn't really tell him everything, but she figured there had to be a way to put his mind at ease and let him see that 'Zombie Bella' was gone for good; and what better way to start things then by cooking him a nice big steak for dinner. So she made a list of all the things she'd need and headed out to the grocery store.

After a few slip and falls and nearly running her truck off the road, she finally made it to the grocery store and was met with quite a few surprised stares. She didn't mind at first, but then every time someone would pass her they'd whisper about her and she just wanted to turn to them and say 'You do know I can hear you.' She eventually became so annoyed with the whispers and stares that she almost gave up and went home but then she reminded herself this was for Charlie, so she pressed on and tried to ignore everyone around her.

When she made it to the checkout counter she was very disappointed and annoyed to find that Jessica Stanley was the cashier.

"Bella?" Jessica asked as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing

"Yes Jessica?"

"Are the Cullen's back?"

"No….Why would you think that?" Bella asked completely confused by that question

"Well this is the first time anyone has seen you in months and you don't look all 'zombie' like, so I figured the Cullen's had to be back and that Edward had taken you back."

For a moment Bella just stared at her, torn between bitching her out and giving a polite response. Of course Jessica took Bella's silence as an opportunity to continue her babbling.

"I completely understand why you were so depressed though. I mean it was Edward Cullen, I don't know how you didn't just kill yourself; I would've. Being dumped by Edward Cullen, that's just like the worst thing ever!"

"You know Jessica I really feel sorry for you." Bella finally replied and Jessica's only response was a blank stare

"If you think being dumped by Edward Cullen is the 'worst thing ever' you really are dumber than I thought and quite pathetic. And let's be honest Jessica….the only reason you ever really talked to me was because Edward took an interest in me when he hadn't so much as glanced at anyone else in the last three years; you were just hoping for gossip or someway in so that you could come along and swoop him up. And the only reason you're talking to me now is because you're hoping I'll give you some sort of juicy information on the Cullen's or myself and you'll be able to go back to school and tell everyone all about it. But how about you tell them this: that you, Jessica Stanley, are a self absorbed shallow bitch whose only aspiration in life was to be noticed by Edward Cullen."

Jessica just stood there gaping like a fish and those who had been close enough to hear what Bella said just stood watching; waiting to see how Jessica would respond.

"Could you hurry it up, I don't have all day you know." Bella sighed

Jessica turned as red as her caked on make-up would allow before quickly ringing up the rest of Bella's groceries. And Bella thought that perhaps she should feel bad for talking to Jessica that way, but really she felt great; it was sort of freeing to say those things to Jessica.

The events at the grocery store really sparked something in Bella and she realized she'd like the way she felt when she'd said those things to Jessica; she liked the fact that she hadn't held back and decided that maybe it was time for her to make some changes.

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