A New Friend

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It is now 7:00 am and Devin is now about to get up. "Ok its now time for school so do I have everything I need though? *checks his backpack* Hmm? Pencils, notepad, schedule, and my lunch. That's all I need for right now" As Devin walks out the door he saw another boy about his age walking pass his/not his house but he did not say any thing.
"Hmm? Who was that? *looks at his watch* -gasp- I'm gonna be late and on the first day!" Devin rushed to the school and as he came to the path way of the school he saw that it was all crowded. Then he saw someone that looked very familiar, it was the boy that passed by. " hey " Devin said to the boy. The boy turned around and saw Devin standing looking at him. "Uh who are you?" said the boy. "My name is Devin, and yours is?" asked Devin. " the name is Jeremy nice to meet you" said Jeremy. "Nice meeting you too so what year is this for you in this school?" Devil asked. "This is my first year" Jeremy said. "Oh really? It's my first year here as well" said Devin. --bell rings-- "what do you have for first period? Jeremy asked. " uh *pulls out his schedule* M-105? What the hell is that?" Devin was looking at his schedule all confused. "Uh basically it means math at room 105 it was like that in middle school as well" Jeremy was explaining. "Oh ok so would bio-223 be biology at room 223?" said Devin. "Yeah now lets get to class I also have M-105" Jeremy and Devin walk into the school.
"Hm this kid is nice hope we become good friends well time for the first day of school."

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