Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Five hours, two cans of redbull, and three mountain dew's later, and my shift finally ends. Considering I just worked a five hour shift, I just decide to head home.

Besides, I have a big day of doing nothing tomorrow. I get in my car, start it up and "Best Song Ever" comes on the radio.

So naturally, I turn it all the way up and start jamming out, as every other normal teenager would. (All sarcasm intended)

"Said her name was Georgia Rose (Oww) and her daddy was a dentist. Said I had a dirty mouth (you got a dirty mouth) But she kissed me like she meant it! I said can I take you home with me? She said never in your wildest dreams! And we danced all night to the best song ever, we knew every line, now I can't remember How it goes but I know that I won't forget her.Cuz we danced all night to the best song ever."

I noticed the looks that I was getting from the people in the car next to me, so I just turn my music up louder, and continue driving.


So for the rest of the car ride I jam out to my Up All Night album. I pull into the garage, and head inside, to find no one in my house.

Mom's normally home at this time. Then I see a note on the counter that I hadn't seen before.

"Gone out for the week. Me and your father are going to the beach for an early summer vacation. 300 dollars in the cookie jar. I went grocery shopping before I left, so you should be good. I love you. Have fun on your last day of junior year. xoxo mom"

I groan. This means that I'm gonna have to make my own food for the this week. Well, she said I had $300, so I will be eating Taco Bell.


So, for now I just rummage through the cabinets and find something to eat. I settle on a bowl of easy mac, and head into the living room to find something on tv.

I switch it to MTV because there is nothing else on, and they are supposed to be releasing some "BIG NEWS" as they have been advertising it for the last week.

The program comes on, and I see all five of their gorgeous faces. One Direction. Oh gosh. I turn the tv up so I can hear it better, and glue my eyes to it.

"Reporter: We have One Direction here with us tonight. Boys, I understand you have a very important announcement for us tonight?"

I am literally on the edge of my seat.

"Liam: Yes. We would like to announce our new tour, Take Me Home, for the year of 2013. The first Take Me Home tour was such a great success, that we decided that we would love to do it again. It will be a slightly different experience this time though."

Now Zayn starts talking.

"We will be doing the same songs, but each concert, we will have two lucky fans to come on stage with us. They will get to come back stage after the concert, and hang out with us."

And this is where my mouth drops open. Niall starts talking.

"Tickets go on sale tomorrow afternoon at 12 so Directioners be ready. We would love to see you there!"

His accent is just so adorable. And this whole time, I forgot about my Easy Mac, which is now burning in the microwave.


*Authors Note*

Short chapter! Update soon. Maybe like an hour? Or maybe even less. Not sure yet. Let me know whatcha think.

Love, The Author :)

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