A New House

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       We were moving today, and I forgot.Our cozy little apartment, the one place I feel safe with the dark and mysterious wood paneling, the pure white couch with blankets draped across the top, and the smooth, round, and unique mahogany table all will be left behind.  "Mom do we have to leave?"I say timidly, because honestly I am scared of the answer. " No Effie dear. Your stepdad is insistent on us moving there is is a lot larger of a house. Effie you will even get your own room. " says Mom in a comforting way, yet I still do not wanna leave the old place. "Yeah Eff, own rooms, none of my crap lying around." said Caesar. 

                                                                                      •      •      •

       The house is bigger than a castle, maybe it is a castle. The walls have dark oak carvings and the ceiling in the living room make a giraffe look like an ant. The drapery is most exquisite and detailed, but the furniture takes the cake. A fluffy maroon couch may be the softest thing ever, when I sit in it it feels like riding a cloud of cotton candy. Also the handcrafted dinner table is remarkable. "Eff maybe you should stop drooling over the furniture and help me unpack."called Caesar from the door, waking me from my trance. "Sure thing, but uh can I see my room afterwards?"I replied. "Of course sweetie, why wouldn't you?"calls Mom from the sleek, oak, spiral staircase. As I head upstairs I notice that dad is arguing/talking with three peacekeepers.

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