Its Probably Just a Phase...

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Jerome's POV

I blushed as Mitch stared at me with those Amber orbs of his. He noticed I noticed he was staring at me, so he turned away. His face was also pink.

This is just a phase, Jerome. Nothing to it.
A handsome seme is in front you~... I say we go for it.
Just a phase...
Not a phase!~

"Yo, you okay?" I was probably sweating. Mitch chuckled, and I swear my heart beat fifty times faster. "You look like you ran a marathon. Here."

I fumbled as Mitch threw a water bottle at me. He laughed as I failed to catch.

"The great Jerome Aceti, star quarterback of the football team, fails to catch a throw from nerd Mitchell Hughes!!" He said, laughing still.

I stuck out a middle finger, him returning two.

You would love those in you~
You know you want it~...

"You play?" I focused back from the white wall to those beautiful eyes. He held up a controller for Xbox. I rolled my eyes.

"Who doesn't!"
"My ass."
"Haha, very funny, Mitchell."
"Shut up and play."

Oh, don't you dare look away
Keep your eyes on that screen
You said, "What should we do?"
Replied, "Shut up and play."

I sang stupidly. Mitch laughed.

"You sing pretty nice. Needs work on tuning." I rolled my eyes again.

"Yea, Mister Benja gettin' all uppity at me."
"Well, Mista Bacca over here needs to learn his place."
"Shut up."
"And play?"
"I hate you."
"You know you love me."
"I do."

We forgot the game, dropping the controls. I just admitted to liking him?

Merome: Ain't Gonna Stop Loving Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें