Stuck in the closet (Larry Stylinson One-shot.)

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Louis' POV 

Hey all! My name is Louis Tomlinson. I go to a boarding school because my dickheads of parents decided that being gay was not ok. So here I am and I hate it. why? Because the boy I am in love with bullies me. Now, when I say bully I don't mean name calling and little shoves, I mean full on beatings, mainly to the stomach but I have had a black eye before. I know what you're thinking. "Why  don't you tell a teacher?" I do. But they don't give a  shit. The only person who does care is Niall. Niall Horan is my best friend and he is special. I always call him my little snowflake cause he's cute and adorable. Now. Moving on I am going to tell you a little about Harold Edward Styles. 

Harold (Harry) is the boy I am hopelessly in love with. He has soft curly locks that I want to run my hands through every day. Sparkling emeralds that a drown in every time i look in them. Sculptured body that drives me wild. Legs that all girls dream to have. Lips that I want to kiss all the time. He always puts others before himself. I have seen him with kids and he is the perfect father. He is perfect. Oh wait... did I mention he's my bully.

He's the basterd that beats the shit out of me everyday. "So why are you in love with him?" You may ask, well... That's a good question. I havn't got a clue why, but I am. If I am being completely honest I want to tell him that I like him just to get it off my shoulders cause he doesn't know. But there's no point cause he will never feel the same way.

Right now I have free period and I am walking around aimlessly searching for something to do. Niall's with me but he's to busy munching on his burger and texting his boyfriend Liam. Liam is sweet. He has brown hair and puppy dog eyes. He's best friends with Harry himself. He doesn't beat me though. No, we're quite close too. He keeps telling me to tell Harry how I feel. But I am not ready for rejection. Not yet. So as I was saying, Niall and I were walking when I heard the unmistakable sexy voice of Harry. He's talking to one of his friends, Zayn I think. I put my hand out to stop Niall from continuing around the corner and I motion for him to be quiet.

"No Z, I can't just tell him not after everything I have done to him!" 

Who is he talking about?

"Dude if you don't tell him then he'll never know and you won't have the chance to be happy."

Yeah that is definitely Zayn, but what are they on about. It makes no sense. 

"Zayn! You don't understand what do you expect me to do? Just waltz up to him and be like 'Hey Louis sorry for all the beatings I just thought it was about tim that I tell you that I am in love with you and that I was wondering if you will forgive me and be my boyfriend?' Cause that will totally work mate."

Wait! Did THE Harry Styles just say that he was in love with me and wants me to be his boyfriend? HOLY FUCKING SHIT! this is like a dream come true. I can't believe he just said that. I snap my head to Niall and he looks back at me with wide eyes. I nod my head and start jumping up and down. Basically fangirling. Or would it be called fanboying? hhmmn. I don't actually know. The buzzer goes and me and Niall go our separate ways. I hate gym and that's the class I have next. Perfect! Note sarcasm. As I walk there I see Harry just behind me. I can't just pretend I didn't hear him say he's in love with me. I smirk as I get an idea. I can't believe what I am about to do. I see the janitors closet right in front of me. I open the door and grap Harry's collar. I step in the small room effectivally bringing the surprised boy with me. I shut the door behind us and turn the small light on. Once his eyes adjust he look sat me confused.


"Shut up!" I command before crashing my lips to his. He grunts in surprise and doesn't respond. I nudge my lips encouragingly against his trying to get him to reciprocate. Eventually he does and I smile. He does to and we continue our kiss. I swipe my tongue over his mouth asking for entrance but he doesn't open. I press my body to his and grind against him. He gasps like I want him to and I use this opportunity to gain my entrance. Our mouths battle for dominance. Normally I would give in, with every kiss I have ever had I was the submissive, but not this time. I keep fighting and eventually I win. He moans in the kiss and it is the hottest thing ever. 

"Louis, I have never seen you like this. You are so hot right now." 

"Shut up and kiss me you fool." I say before kissing him again.

It's in this closet that we share our first kiss and it is pretty steamy. We only stop when we hear a click coming from the door. We look at each other and we hear footsteps walking away. I try the door handle but It's locked. We're locked in. Only for the hour though. He locks it whenever there's gym. I shrug and so does he. We sit down and chat for a while before we fall asleep. We are stuck in the closet, but hey, I'm not complaining...

Let me know what you think, I hope you like it!!!

Mrshazzabear1 xoxo

Stuck in the closet (Larry Stylinson One-shot.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora