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As I get home from school its finally summer break so you know what that means....yep staying inside watching Netflix.

"Mom I'm home" I yelled.

"Oh good" she said walking into the kitchen where I was.

"Guess what" I said excitedly hoping up onto the counter.

"What" I said.

"Its summer break and that means I'm staying inside, watching Netflix, and being lazy, you can't and wont do anything about it you know how I am and dads the reason for it" I claimed.

"Oh I was going to let you go stay with your aunt Amanda in California but since you wanna stay in the house I'll just give her a call and tell her your not coming" mom said.

"Wait aunt Amanda I thought she died of cancer three years ago" I said.

"Oh your thinking about aunt Carlo" mom said.

"I would love to go see aunt Amanda" I said.

"Ok go pack" she said and I ran up to my room and started packing.

About a hour later I get a text.

"Hey you might not remember me but its espi (esperanzas) I heard your coming to California for the summer".

"Ummm how do you know that" I texted back.

"Your aunt Amanda told me".

"Uh I don't remember you sorry" I texted back confused.

"Think back to when you were in kindergarten who was your best friend".

As I think back way back I soon remember.

"Your last name wouldn't happen to be Brookes" I texted.


"OMG wow how have you been I missed you sooooooooo much plus after you moved away man I've got a lot to tell" I texted.

"I've got time"

"Ok well about a month after you left some girl and her friends started bullying me and beating me up and when my mom found out she transferred me to a different school and I became quite, anti-social, I started cutting, i almost comet suicide two years ago and no one else knows besides you, my mom and the people that came up to the hospital" I texted.

"Sky i feel so bad for not being there for you I'm such a bad bestie"

"Espi its fine you can make it up to me when I get there" I texted.

"Oh when is that"

"Idk but I'm packing now so sometime this week Ig" I texted.

"Yay can't wait"

"Me either it's been almost 5 years"I texted.

"Yea to long".

"Skyler dinner" mom yelled.

The guy who fixed me  (Dylan rey) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin