"So? Your still the babes!" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Babe?!" I heard Nash say.

"Your the love of my life tho" I said kissing his cheek.

"I better be!!" He said.

Aaron,Taylor,Carter, and the Jacks were still walking around the mall so they weren't with us.

I looked at Jacob and he was holding his own hand and saying "oh stawp it Jacob! No your cute!" And I pulled out my phone and started to record him.. a long with everyone else there. Jacob then looked up.

"Oh Ja-- what?" He said causing us to laugh and post it on our Snapchats.

"You guys are mean" he said laughing.

"Awe don't cry!!!" I said grabbing his cheeks.

He started to laugh.

"Dont cry!!" I said

"Okay okay" he said laughing.

I let go of him and saw Nash kinda smile but then he looked pretty sad.

"Whats the matter?" I whispered to him.

"Nothing why?"he asked.

"Because you seem--"

"I'm fine Emily" he said cutting me off.

I just then rolled my eyes at him because I know he was lying to me.

"Um... okay so we're just gonna go now c'mon guys" Cameron said.

I started to get up.

"Nope not you!" Maysa said pulling me down.

"And definitely not you either!" Hunter said pulling Nash down as he was gonna get up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Obviously there's stuff y'all need to talk out" Heaven said.

"Lets go!" They said and left.

"Okay Nash what the hell is up?" I asked.

"Your blowing the cover!" He said.

"How?!" I asked.

"Your flirting with him right next to me!!!" He said loud, but not yelling.

"Its not like your my real boyfriend anyways!!!" I said, which may have hurt him a little.

"Emily I'm just gonna say this nice and clear okay?" He said. I nodded my head.

"I-- like-- you" he said and walked off.

"Wait!!" I yelled taking out money and leaving the people money since we ate.

"You like me?" I asked.

"yeah.... kinda I don't know" he said throwing his arms up.

"I didn't know.. why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"because we both know cam wouldn't let me actually date you." He said as I nodded my head.

"I mean i know that but.. you still couldve told me because i know i liked you" I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"I did.. for awhile and Cam knew but he told me I couldn't date you, so that's when I lost feelings" I said.

"And you didn't tell me why?" He asked.

"So do you remember when you guys all came over and we basically got kicked out of my house because we "didn't" live there. And then we went to your house after. I remember I asked you if I could talk to you but Cameron basically kept talking to you and then made you forget about what I had said, so I did want to tell you but that's what happened" I said.

"Emily.. we basically see each other all the time you still could've told me" he said.

"Yeah same to you!" I said walking out of the pizza place.

I ran into a Zuni's since it was near me and sat there, kinda tearing up.

"Emily what's wrong?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Jacob? Brandon?" I asked.

"Where are the girls?" I asked again.

"They had to leave" Brandon said.

"Me and Brando were just walking around and we came in here and now your crying.. did Nash?" Jacob asked.

"No we didn't break up.. I'm just realizing I messed up on some stuff.. I'm fine tho" I said.

"Why don't you come walk with us?" Brandon asked.

"Um.. yeah!" I said holding my hands up so that the can lift me up.

"Ugh okay! Let's go!" I said.

We started walking around and messing around with people and just stuff in the mall.

"HEY YOU THREE!!!" I heard.

"Yes?" I said turning around and saw a mall cop.

"Shit..." we all muttered under our breaths.

"Is there an adult here for you three ?" The cop asked.

"Yeah but we don't know where? Why?" I asked.

"Dont ask me why? Y'all are ruining stuff in the store!" The cop yelled.

"No we're not! Everything we touched was put back where it was" Jacob said.

"Okay you three are out of here!" The cop said grabbing all three of us.

"You can't kick us out!!" Brandon yelled.

"Look it's Cameron!! CAMERON!!!" I yelled.

He came running.

"Whats going on?!" He asked/yelled.

"These kids are being kicked out!" The cop said.

"Theyre with me don't worry!!" He said.

Then Jacobs phone started to ring... and mine too.. and along with everyone else's (magcon) phone.

okay this was lame asf😴 but I needed to update and I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately school has got me busy!!

But I love y'all and I'm sorry for a shitty chapter😴😓❤

Edited :)

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