The Start of a Conspiracy

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   Ace walked in front of the giant palm tree hotel located in Sahara Square. "Palm Hotel. Looks snazzy." Ace quickly went to the desk attendant and registered for a room. 

   "Ah, Mr. Nocturnal. Here is your room key for your suite." A young giraffe looked at Ace. Ace smiled at the giraffe.

   "Thank you." Ace replied, he looked at his key and saw it said room number fifty-three. Ace looked around the hotel and saw beautiful furnishings. Couches lined with gold silk. Tables made of rich mahogany. Ace was really excited. "Ok, first things first. I need to get settled in my room, then explore." Ace quickly ran into the nearest elevator and rode it all the way to the floor his room is located in. Once he reached his room he opened it to a surprise. "Uh, excuse me?" A black panther was laying on Ace's bed. The bed was torn to shreds, claw marks on the walls. Ace slowly walked towards the panther. "Hello?" Suddenly the panther turned around and swiped at Ace. "No. These are the effects of nighthowlers!" Ace ducked as the panther jumped at him. Backed up against the window looking all the way down to the ground. The panther jumped at Ace breaking the glass. Ace and the panther were falling down faster and faster to the ground. Ace quickly grabbed the panther by the scruff and started to lean sideways aiming for the watering hole. Ace and the panther landed in the watering hole making a huge splash. Ace surfaced with the panther, pulling him to land. Ace examined him, looking for any clues to how this happened. Ace spotted his name tag. "Joe." Suddenly the panther's eyes shot open. Ace backed away quickly, but the panther regained consciousness.

   "What happened?" 

   "Nighthowlers. Good thing it's day here. Most animals here are asleep during the day. Come with me, we need to report this to Z.P.D." The panther got to his feet.

   "Nighthowlers! So I..." Joe looked up and saw the broken glass window. 

   "Come on, before you get hit again with nighthowlers." As Ace said that, a Nighthowlers bullet hit Joe. "Come on." Ace looked back a saw Joe with his hand on his head, Ace's heart sank as he suddenly realized what just happened." Ace began to run towards a giant pyramid building, Joe quickly behind him. Ace jumped into a palm tree and began to climb, as did Joe. The higher they got, the lower the top of the palm tree got, until the palm tree was on the floor, but at this point as was standing in front of Joe on the ground, waiting for just the right moment to jump off the top. As Joe leaped for Ace, he jumped off the tree and Joe was sent flying into the air, and into the water. "It seams that this is a specific type of formula. One that isn't meant to last. Why?" Joe popped up from the water. 

   "What happened?" Joe swam to land. 

   "Joe, we need to get to Z.P.D. now!" Suddenly several shots of the Nighthowler serum was shot at them. "Run!" Ace and Joe ran to the pyramid. "It's closed! I don't think they will mind a break in if it has to do with this, we have a viable excuse so don't stop me."

   "Oh, I'm not stopping, I'm encouraging, no hurry!" Ace pulled out a lock pick, and started to pick the lock. "Hurry, it won't be long till we're in range for them again." The lock popped off the door and they ran in. Inside was a flat area with a purple carpet on top of it, to the side was a little pastry bar. At the very front of the room was a tall wall that had a railing on the top, a little are for the club's announcer. "Hey, over here." Joe was by a wooden door that was labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY. "I see something weird. Purple flowers are being boxed into creates." Ace ran to Joe and peeped through the crack in the door. 

   "Joe, do you have a phone on you?" 

   "It was destroyed by the water." 

   "Sorry about that, I'll buy you a knew one later." Ace turned around and sat down on the cold ground. "What to do? We need to escape here, bring evidence to Z.P.D. and we need to avoid capture." Ace stood up and looked around seeing a hole in the top of the building meant to be a skylight. "I know what to do." Ace whispered. "Grab any rope you can find, string, I don't care, anything that can be tied together." 

   "On it! Oh by the way, what's your name?"

   "Ace Nocturnal." Ace ran to the door labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY and looked for any signs of movement. Once the coast was clear Ace carefully went in and grabbed a tray of the Nighthowlers. A noise came from a hallway nearby.

   "Flibidy jibit! I stubbed my toe!" Ace quickly went out of the door. 

   "How's the rope coming?" 

   "Almost done." 

   "There's someone coming hurry." Joe finished tying the curtains, bits of rope, and carpet together. Ace grabbed the rope and tide one end to the handle of the employees only door and tied the other to a pole in the main room. "That should hold the door closed. Now let's get out of here!" Ace and Joe ran out of the building and stopped. 

   "Do you think that thous snipers are still out there?" Ace shook his head.

   "I'm sure they gave up on pursuing us, but now we have very important cargo, we can't take any chances, and the suns going down. So we need to get this to Z.P.D. Do not! I repeat don not! Consume this flower, it appears the serum they hit you with washes away with water. But pure Nighthowler will make you need the cure, which we do not have." Ace and Joe peered around the corner. "Coast is clear." Ace and Joe ran toward the train station. 

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