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My eyes fluttered open; the sound of my alarm echoed through the room. I lazily threw my hand onto my phone and turned it off. 6:45am. I have to get up, but do I want to? I slowly dragged my body out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the tap and looked at myself in the mirror. Smudged mascara stained the bags under my eyes.

"Gucci and Prada" I laughed to myself, and proceeded to splash water on my face. The cold water instantly woke me up. I brushed my teeth, did my makeup, and put on some clothes. Jeans, converse and a white shirt, what more can you expect from me?I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning Ava" my mother greeted me. "Theres some toast on the table, and I packed your lunch. Remember to take it!" I smiled.

My life wasn't so bad, I guess. I was lucky enough to have loving parents, and a, um, 'decent' brother.

"Move out of my way, dick wart" Speaking of the devil.. :)

I decided to not move, just to annoy him even more. Mum shot my brother a stare, and went back to cleaning the dishes. 

"Do you mind?" 

"Nah I actually don't. Thanks for asking though" A grin spread on my face, but not for long once I realised what time it was. I grabbed my lunch and ran out the door without saying another word. 

- - -

Finally, it was lunch. After 4 long periods of english, maths and other extremely exhausting subjects, it was my time to relax and hang out with friends.

"AVA!" I spun round, looking for the voice that just spoke my name. It was Rhea, of course. Rhea was, still is, and hopefully always will be, my best friend. She's honestly more like a sister to me, no matter how cringe or cliché that sounds. I love her to death, and she loves me. She had a smile on her face, as she ran up to be. 

"Whats up, Mrs. Happy pants?" I laughed, pulling her into a hug. 

"I GOT TICKETS OHMYGOD YOU HAVE NO IDEahowhappyiamrightnowohmygodwegotstandingticketsimsohappyrightnoeyouhavenoideaohmygodholdmeithinkimgoingtofaintittookmelike3hoursandihadtomissmysciencetestbutigotheticketan-" she rambled on, making it hard for me to understand a word she said.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, calm down there. I can barely understand what you're saying" I looked at her, trying to hold back laughter. She proceeded to take a couple breaths and looked at me in the eyes.

"I got 2 tickets to see 5SOS" 

- - -

Heyyyy, hope you're enjoying this if you're even reading lmao I'm so lame. Sorry this chapter was short and boring and ehh, but I'm trying to figure out where this story is going ! :)

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