Calum Hood - Asparagus Attacks with Jo

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"Hey princess, the boys and I are going to the beach. Want to go? Bryanna, Katie, and Arzaylea are going." Calum calls to me. 

"Uhh, Asparagus is going to be there?" I ask in disgust.

"Yes. I'm sorry sweets. I don't like her either but we have to accept her."

"But why? She's a total bitch." I whine. He sighs and I pout at him. 

"Hey now. No need to pull out that face." He says before kissing my pouted lips. I giggle and reach up to hug him. 

"You're so short. It's adorable." 

"Hey, back off mister." 

He laughs and smacks my butt lightly, "Go get ready." 

"Hey hey. Save that for later." I say, winking before running to get my stuff. I put on my bathing suit, sandals, and my Calum Hood '96 shirt. I grab my bag and leave my hair the way it is. I run downstairs and yell at him. 

"Yo! I'm ready to go. Ha! That rhymed." 

He laughs, "You're a dork. Let's go." 

~At the Beach (Time Travel because I'm Lazy!)~ 

We arrive and I hop out quickly. "Where are my bitches!" 

Katie and Bryanna come running. "Jo!" 


"I'm ready to get my tan on!" Bry yells.

"Same!" Katie says. 

"Yeah, you all do that. I'll sit in the shade."

they both laugh and drag me off to where they are all sitting. Ew. There she is. She's in a skimpy bikini, sunbathing. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go get in the water with the boys. Okay?" Calum says.

"Yeah, have fun." I say, giving him a kiss then watching him run off.

Bry and Katie lay down while I lay in the shade.

"Aww, does the poor baby burn?" I hear Asparagus taunt. 

"I'm not getting skin cancer. Fuck you bitch." I reply, not even looking at her. 

"You're disgusting. You know that?"

"Ha funny. That's exactly what Luke told me you are." 

She gasps in horror. "Listen here you dwarf, back off. I get that you're jealous of me but that's no reason to make up lies." 

"Who said I was lying? And honey, Abigail Breslin is cuter than you and that's saying something." I say,  standing up.  

"Bitch, it's on." she stands and charges at me. Luke comes out of nowhere and grabs her. 

"What the hell Arz?" he yells, putting her down. 

Calum holds me from behind and whispers, "What the hell happened?" 

"She insulted me so I did back and we kept going and then she charged at me."

He sighs, "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine but I want to punch her." I say, trying to go after her. 

Calum holds me tighter, "Nope. Not happening. We're going home."

I sigh and pick up my stuff. He leads me to the car and drives us back home.

~Back Home~

He carries me inside and lays me down on the bed, "How about I take you up on that offer from earlier?" he asks with a smirk.

"Deal." I say, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. 

"I love you." he says in between kisses. 

"I love you too." 

Hope you like it! 

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