Naruto (If Things Were Different)

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The cold wind blew Naruto's spiky blond hair ever so lightly. The blond-haired jinuriki was standing outside Sakura's house. 'She needs to know.. Sakura needs to know how I feel.' Said Naruto to himself in his head as he looked down at the paper he was holding in his hand. The paper read, 'Sakura-chan, I'm so sorry that I failed to bring back Sasuke. I made you a promise and I failed to come through, but don't worry! I'm leaving the village to go get stronger and when I come back you will have Sasuke back! Believe it! I'm doing this because I love you and I can't stand to see you so upset. I want you to be happy, that's all and if bringing Sasuke back makes you happy that'll make me happy. You probably won't see much of me when I bring the teme back. I don't want to get in the way of your love and I know you think I'm annoying so you won't have to deal with me anymore. Remember that I'll always love you. Goodbye, Sakura-chan.'

Chuckling sadly, Naruto neatly folded the piece of paper addressed to Sakura and slipped it under her door. A heavy sigh came from Naruto as he lowered his head down and let a few tears fall from his eyes. "I'm doing this because I love you." Whispered Naruto into the darkness as he took a few little steps back then bolted, scared that if he didn't run he would change his mind and decide to stay.


Sun shined in through Sakura's balcony windows waking the pink-haired girl up. Sakura sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes from the sleepiness.

Getting the strength to get out of bed, Sakura headed downstairs to get some breakfast. "Oh, Sakura, your up," Sakura's mom said as she poured herself a glass of milk. "There was a piece of appear folded up with your name on it. Someone must of slipped it through the door last night. I left it on the counter over there." Sakura's mother pointed towards where the letter was. Sakura thanked her mom for telling her and grabbed the note that was labeled, 'Sakura-chan'.

'Hmmm.. Must be from Naruto.' Thought Sakura as she opened up the letter and began reading. A shocked expression laid on Sakura's face as she gasped. She knew Naruto liked her, but love? And the fact that he left the village, his friends, her, to go train and get Sasuke back. "That baka! We were going to get Sasuke-kun back together" cried Sakura. Circles started appearing on the note from Sakura's tears dropping onto it. She threw the paper down to the kitchen floor and ran off to the Hokage Tower to let Tsunade know Naruto was gone. "Ehh, Sakura? What's wrong?" Shouted Sakura's mother as her daughter bolted out of the house.


"Tsunade-sama!" Shouted Sakura as she barged into the Hokage's office.

Tsunade clearly didn't like how Sakura didn't bother knocking so she stood up and slammed a fist on the table, "You know better then to just barge in like that, Sakura! What the hell is it?"

After explaining to Tsunade what was going on, the Hokage sighed and placed a hand on her face covering it. "Damn that gaki!" Groaned Tsunade. "Shizune, get me Kakashi. I'm sending him and Sakura out to go get that idiot back before he gets hurt."

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