Chapter 1

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"Mr. Chase, you are sentenced to 27 years in prison. Bailiff, get him out of my sight, you sick bastard." 

My step-dad Cory Chase was just sentenced to 27 years in prison. By then, I'll be 44 years old. He was sentenced for sexual and physical abuse. 

My mom died when I was 7 and my dad left when I was a baby. He was the only family I had, and I didn't care about him. He never sexually abused me, but he did it to other kids. He was sick, and I hated him. I would never want to come home after school. But I didn't have that problem. I dropped out 6 months ago, he never knew though.

I haven't had a good life. My life was fine until my mom died of breast cancer. Cory was a great stepdad until my mom died. He was loving and kind and I got almost everything I wanted. Life was good until I turned 13. He was a recovering drug addict and a alcoholic. He would get mad at anything. If I asked for a pencil, he would scream and swear. It was traumatic. 

So I didn't come home. I would ask to sleepover at friends houses. We grew poor and couldn't afford a lot. I would rip up my clothes and make new ones with the ripped up fabric. I didn't care anymore. I didn't attend school and I didn't do my homework. I would usually hang out in the streets. Of course, it wasn't safe, it was a the streets of Brooklyn. 

By the time I was 14, I would come home once a week. I would work a job at a bakery and use the money to buy food. I lived with different people. I slept over and had all of my belongings in a duffle bag that I carried around. I sometimes slept in the park. It was hard. 

By the time I was 16, I was in and out of jail. I had been in there for robbery and assault. I didn't have any guidance. I still don't. 

Right now, I'm living with my friend Ramona. Her parents died 3 years ago and left her with ALL of their money. They were loaded. She was so sweet, but never liked talking about her feelings. 

"Hey Ramona, I'm going to stay at a friends house. Thank you for everything." I grabbed my bags and left. I would usually only stay at a friend's house for 4 or 5 days. I would stay probably twice a year. 

It was rare that I would stay for more than 2 weeks. I was in and out. This was my life. Right now I found this really comfy bench outside of East River State Park. It's really close to my friends and whatnot so it's fine..for now. 

I was just about to go to sleep when I heard russleing. I sat up and looked to my left. There was a group of what it looked like, 15 year olds looking through my duffle bag. Everything I owned was in there. My phone, my money, my clothes. They were taking them. 

"Hey!" I screamed and shot up. I punched one of them in the face and kicked the other two in the balls. Yes, I was trained to fight. You had to know how. One of them shot up and punched me in the jaw. I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him on the floor. Then the cops came.

"Freeze!" The small, white cop yelled. I moved. "Ma'am I said freeze!" He yelled again. My jaw clenched.

"Don't call me 'Ma'am'. My name is not ma'am. My name is Katie." 

"Well, Katie, I have a gun and I said freeze. Are you mentally retarted?" 

I couldnt fight him, I mean he was a cop. I look to my left and saw the 'thugs' slowly backing away. They turned and ran.

The cop pointed at me "stay there!" He said and ran after them. Of course I didn't listen. I ran. I was probably running for 4 minutes until I was slammed into the concrete. The cold ground hit my face. 

The cop picked me up and screamed in my face. "I told him you not to run!" He slammed me up against a nearby car. He put the cold, metal handcuffs on my wrists and threw me into the cop car. 

I sat there. With no emotion on my face. I didn't regret what happened. The cop was rude, I took my chance and ran. So what if I go to jail, I've been there 3 times already. 

*At the jail*

"Ok you just sit there and we will get your paperwork ready. You'll probably be out here within 24 hours." The lady at the front desk said to me. 

I wasn't waiting 24 hours. It was a waste of time. I did nothing wrong. All I did was run, nothing wrong with that. I stood up and started to walk out the door. 

"Guards!" The lady screamed. She pushed a bottom and alarms went off. I turned around and got slammed on the ground. 

"You're going to be here for a long time." Said the woman officer handcuffing me to a pole. 

"Come with me." Another one said. He uncuffed me and lead me to a courtroom. It was weird. I've been here for 10 minutes and I already have a court date. 

It was just a judge my lawyer (provided by the state so he sucked), the bailiff, and 3 guards. 

"Ok, please take your seat, Ms. Eastmen. So it seams you're in here for assault, trying to escape twice, and robbery. Wow." She seemed surprised. Looking at my record, seeing what I've done and that I'm only 17. "So I'm not to sugarcoat this. You need help. It looks like if you don't you'll have a life of drugs and alcohol. So I'm going to help you. You're going to be in jail for a year and a half. You will have counciling and will be watched very carefully. Be careful. Court is augured." She hit the hammer thing on the wooden plate on her stand. 

The guards cuffed me and brought me to a hall where other prisoners were sitting. 

"Ms Brooke?" One lady said walking out of her cubical. Some girl stood up. "You're cell mate will be Andy Johnson."

They walked away. It was weird. This prison had girls paired with boys. I've heard about here. MANY people get pregnant here and have to go to a special prison. It's weird that they still pair them with boys. It's kinda like the trust us when they know we will make the wrong decision.

The lady called 6 other girls and boys and finally it was some guy and I. He was hot. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. (picture above) He had a tattoo on him. It kinda looked like a gang sign. He was starting at his red vans. 

"Could you not?" He looked up staring at me dead in the eyes. I didn't realize I was staring. 

"Oh sorry." I said looking down at my feet. He didn't say anything. It was an awkward silence. Finally the lady came out. 

"Luke Davis?" One lady said as she walked out of the office. The boy next to me looked up. "You will be roomed with Katie Eastmen." She said as she smiled. I looked up. 

He looked at me dead in the eyes. "Great." He said annoyed. He already doesn't like me and I've said 2 things to him. 

"Great." I said as I sighed. I looked at him. I wasnt annoyed, but I had to act it.  We stood up and they chained our hands and feet. They showed us to our cell, shut the door, and locked it. They look off our handcuffs. 

"Lunch is at 12, be ready." The guard said as he walked away.

[A/N AHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!! I can't wait to write the rest!!!! UGHHHHHH YAYA!! Hope you enjoy!]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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