Chapter 2 - Jace

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it had been a month since Rhydian came into the camp and we had become friends he was my only friend and didn't seemed to mind i had anger issues also he was the only one who didn't treat a some out of place wolf. since my stunt with Mark things were back to normal i was dangerous and everyone apart from Rhydian who i  taken to calling him Ry stayed well away from me.

i overheard Ceri and Bryn talk to Ry about staying away from me saying that i was misunderstood also telling them he had his own mind. before storming out. it was quite amusing.

"catch Ry" i call chucking a plum at him obviously he catches it and smiles at me a push myself off the wall and  jump on his back he takes my legs we make are way to our spot on the hill and he lets go biting into his plum.

"what it like to have a pack" i asked he shrugs

"okay i guess i mean before i was there i had no idea what i was or how to have it under control even if i loved being free and what i am." i sigh blissfully.

"i wish i could have that chance but everyone puts that idea in the river" i say leaning my head on his shoulder.

"why would you want to be tame or a apart of a pack" he asks me

"have you seen it here everyone thinks I'm a freak when my parents died they felt obliged to help but now I'm old enough to take care of myself they treat me like crap no wonder i get angry. if i had a pack and help maybe i wouldn't be so volatile. i hate the feeling i get after i really hurt someone. i don't want to be that person." i explained

"if i could leave would you come with me" Ry questioned, i looked up

"in a heartbeat" we changed into our wolves and went for a run messing about being free and howling nonstop we captured some meat and had breakfast. we went into my tent and talked well he did telling me about stony bridge.

"then there was Jimmy he was annoying at first always calling me leek boy and snitching on me for stuff that i never did well except the time me and Maddie put a school trophy on top of a roof but unless you knew we were wolf bloods it didn't seem like it was us and Mr Jefferies backed me up. after i played football and help won the game he was less annoying.

the three K's Kara, Katrina and Kay Maddie said they fancied me i don't know. Kara is  tolerable on her own she is a science geek underneath Katrina isn't the brightest and tends to look like she following the other too if you look close enough. Kay says it like it is and i hear used to be friends with Shannon." he talked and i listed i loved hearing about humans.

"sorry I'm talking too much" he looks down

"no not at all it gets boring around here and i don't know a lot about the outside" i told him

"for you being free is the best and the way you feel it's what i did when i first transformed but it's not like that anymore since i turned i know see how unstructured my life is how broken i really am" i looked around my neck.

"but we have each other makes it a lot less worse. i only left to protect everyone but in away I'm glad i did because i have a new friend" i grin at him. we spent the rest of the day talking about our lives and secrets.

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