Everything Has Changed

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                Okay, now breathe Sabie, I commanded myself.

                There I go again. Giving myself childish pep talks in hopes to calm my never ending nerves.

                 I’ve waited way too long for this. Way too long for this amount of freedom. It took every single muscle in my body to be strong. For some odd reason I wanted to run back home. All the way back to the house I grew up in. The house I was basically imprisoned in for eighteen years.

                It was time to become the new me.

                And I mean new in the best way possible. I was going to stop hiding in the shadows, speak up, go crazy, meet new people, and stop living a life of what if’s.

                There is no better way to get this done than to start all over. Start over entirely in a new state. New people. A new landscape. New weather. A new school. New… well, me.

                Nobody saw this one coming. At least not from me.

                Growing up I was the girl nobody knew. Somebody would say “Sabie Rose” and their response would be “Sabie who?” I was nameless.

                Honestly I didn’t mind. I had my group of friends. I got good grades. I had my family. I had a lot. I had more than a lot, but somehow it wasn’t enough. There was always that one thing missing. That one part of me that was fighting to get out. That wanted to run away.

                I had everything, but at the same time I had nothing.

                I was missing what really mattered in life. Happiness.

                And what I was missing, I couldn’t find there.

                So I broadened my horizons.

                It all started with a simple acceptance letter from a college in the city of… Los Angeles.

                Yes. We are talking about a timid girl from the suburbs of Philadelphia. I grew up on an entirely different coast. I swam in a completely different ocean. Lived with entirely different people. I had nobody over here. Not one single person. I knew no one, and that didn’t stop me from going after an opportunity like such.

                There was no better time than right now.

                I snuck one quick peek out the window. We were making our way back towards the ground. We were preparing to land in California. I was… home?

                The butterflies floated up through my stomach and into my throat. My heart started pounding in my chest as I thought about what I was going to do. There was no turning back now. I was not going to admit defeat. I could do this.

                I needed to do this. I needed to find who Sabie Rose was.

                I just hope I could do it.

                Could a suburban girl from Pennsylvania make it in LA?

                Well. That’s what we were going to find out.

                Sabie meet California.

                California meet Sabie.

                Welcome home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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