Your favourite song

169 31 11

I heard your favourite song today.
Frankly, I didn't mean to, it just started playing when I pressed shuffle in my "favourites" playlist.
I wouldn't mean to play it you know, it'll only make me think about you more and I believe you take enough of my time already.
The thing is, I absentmindedly paid too much attention to the lyrics and god I shouldn't have, for they all had something to do with you in some sort of twisted way.
But not only that song, all the songs that played later were the same way.
They were all about you.
You became the guy all songs were about.
And I don't know why this makes me feel pathetic. Maybe it's the fact that I'm never "about" any song you listen to.
You won't find me in the songs on your "favourites".
And maybe that's why.

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