Chapter: 2

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"So whatsup my two favorite girls?" said Steve.

"We're not here to see you Steve, we came for Matt" said Melody. Steve made a whatever face and continued eating his tuna sandwich.

"So where is Matt?" asked Melody. The boys all pointed in the same direction. As we walked towards Matt we got a few whistles and stares from the guys table.

"Hey Matt! I'd like to introduce you to my best friend Scarlett" she said happily. As I went to see his face I realized that he was the one staring at me once Mr. Heinz showed the class my drawing. He was tanned had dark brown hair, had black eyes, and was very muscular and handsome!

"Hey, I'm Scarlett" I said.

"Yea I know that" he said back.

I gave a confused look.

"The teacher, Mr. Heinz said your name a couple of times in class" he said.

"Oh yea right, I hate that class it always makes me sleepy" I said.

He laughed. "Why were you so interested in that drawing I drew?" I asked. Before he could answer Melody bud in "you two can continue talking I'm going to head back now" she said.

She walked back and gave all the boys a flirty smile, even though she had a boyfriend.

It looked like he was about to say something important but the lunch bell rang. "I'll see you later!" I said.

I walked back to my group of friends and they all started talking about how cute he was.


"Mom! I'm home" I said loudly so she could here me.

"Hi sweetie how was your day?" my mom said.

"Good" I took out my notebook and flipped to the page with the weird symbol on it.

"I kept drawing this today and I don't know why" I said.

She looked at it shocked and said "don't draw that again" and before I could ask why she changed the topic.

"So your uncle is coming down next weekend for a visit" she said.

"Yea, he told me the last time we saw him" I said, forgetting about the symbol.

I went up into my room and every little object was floating. "MOM!! Josh did something to my room!!" I yelled. At that moment Josh ran out of his room and said "No I didn't!! she's lying mom!" he screamed. My mom ran up the stairs and all 3 of us looked into my room. "Josh how did you do this! and why?" I said.

"I'm telling you I didn't do it!" he said.

"Oh then who did? A magic ghost?" I said back.

Maybe" he replied.

"Josh don't be ridiculous, I know you put it up with string" I said.

"Yea two go down stairs I'll take care of this" my mom said strangely.

Josh and I both confused walked down the stairs together. "I know you did it you little rug rat" I said meanly. "I did not, I bothered you this morning, that was my job and it was completed" he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, of course Josh did it! But what if he's telling the truth?

"Alright, it's all back to normal" said mom. She walked into the kitchen and started chopping carrots.

"Hello?" I said. "What?" She said.

"Aren't you going to figure out who did that?!" I said and gave a little nudge towards Josh.

"Josh didn't do it-" "Told you!!" He yelled.

"Well then who did?" I asked.

"Somebody must've broken in and wanted to play a prank on you" said my mom.

"Are you serious? You think I'm going to believe that!" I said and stormed off.

I ran upstairs into my room. I looked around in the trash even if someone did this, then where are the strings mom supposedly took down. I sat down on my bed thinking about everything that happened today, the weird symbol that my mom didn't want to talk about, and the string incident. I dozed off and fell asleep.


"Amy behold the council" said a deep growling voice.

"She's receiving messages from the pack, the symbol" Amy said.

"She is getting closer to seeing who she really is" said a softer echoing voice.

"What am I supposed to do? She is going to figure it out" said Amy.

"Has she received her powers yet?" Asked the deep growling voice.

"I don't think so but today in her roo-"

"Yes, we know Amy we saw" said the deep voice. "You better head back now the girl will be waking up soon for her school" said the soft voice.

Amy left the dark circled room through a door and disappeared. "The girl is going to find out, it's her destiny" said the soft voice.

"Well we have to make sure it doesn't become her destiny" said the deep voice.
"She's going to become strong, send in the boy" said the soft voice. "No. We shall wait"


"Scarlett wake up, it's time for school" said my mom. "Uhhh I don't want to get out of bed" I groaned. I opened my eyes and there was a t.v. in my room. "Why's that in here?" I said.
"It's yours. It's to make up for all the weirdness last night, lets just forget about it alright. Your brothers upset about it" she said. That's odd my brother is upset about freaking me out. She left the room and I shut the door.

I put on a red crop top with belly high shorts so I didn't have to wear anything under the crop top. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and added a red ribbon. I went downstairs and smelt fried eggs and bacon. My mom was being awfully nice that morning. I looked at Josh he didn't look upset. I grabbed a piece of bread and bacon and went to find my white converse.

"Bye Scarlett have a good day!" Yelled my mom. I pretended I didn't hear her and went out the door.


"Hey Scarlett" said April.

"Oh hey" I said back.

"Nice outfit, I talked to Melody this morning and she said she wasn't feeling well" April said.

"Oh" "Yea probably from partying all night" April said.

"There was a party?" I asked. "Yea, Nate Greenwoods was having one" said Clarissa.

"And she went without us?" I asked. They both nodded. The bell rang and we headed inside. I saw Matt looking at me a couple of times but I kept walking.

"Hey Scarlett!" He said. "Ready for the big test?" Matt asked. Oh shot I forgot about the test!

"Yea I think I'm ready" I said lying. We headed in together and I found my seat.

"Alright class! I assume all of you are prepared for the big geography test! You have the whole period and that's all, if you do not finish in bad for you!" Mr. Heinz said strictly. He handed out a 2 paged booklet, I got out my pencil and started to read the questions.

The test was actually not that bad, but then I reached the last question with only 6 minutes left. It was asking me What is the smallest country's biggest city called? This was the bonus question, and he even told us the answer in class yesterday! I looked around me everyone was handing in their tests. On Mr. Heinz's desk I saw a globe but it wasn't faced the right way. I starred at it really hard focusing and hoping that it would turn to give me the answer. I looked at it a focused and only though about it moving, then suddenly it started to move and face my direction! I quickly copied down the answer and handed it in.

I ran out of the class room and into the girls washroom. "What the heck just happened?" I asked myself. I looked in the mirror it was still me. I had to tell someone! But I couldn't tell my mom she would ignore me again and tell me not to do that, and if I told anyone I could get in trouble for cheating. Plus everyone would think I'm crazy! I exited the washroom and Matt was standing right outside.

"Hey I saw what did in class" He said. I gave a weird expression.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, and I want you to have this" he said and handed me a folded up piece of paper.

I was confused but before I could say anything he cut me off again. "Read this when you get home, and make sure your alone and say it out loud" Matt said. "Um okay" I replied back. This was getting too weird, luckily Clarissa came running towards me.

"Hey! I heard the test was hard, well wish me luck bye!" She said quickly than ran into the class.

As I was walking down the hallway I saw Nate in the corner with a girl chatting away. It wasn't Melody because Melody was sick. I tripped over my own foot and he turned around sharply giving me a glare. He had an expression on his face saying if you tell anyone your dead meat. I hurried down the hall and made it to my next class.

During the next class all I was thinking about was what Nate was doing with that other girl! Melody is his girlfriend and its only been the second day of their relationship and he's cheating on her! Melody is going to have a meltdown this never happens to her, she's normally the one to dump the other.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I was curious about the note Matt gave me. The final bell rang to signal everyone that school was over. I headed home quickly before I got myself into any more trouble.

I took out my house key and put it in the slot slowly and quietly, I didn't want my mom to hear me. I opened the door slowly so that it wouldn't creak, I slid in through the half opened door and turned the knob and shut the door. I turned around and shrieked. "Ah!! Mom what are you doing you scared me!" I said.

"I should be asking you the same thing, you were the one trying to sneak in" she said. I didn't respond to her. "So how was school today" she asked. "Good"

"Try or learn anything new today?" She asked.


"I've got to work on some homework no time to talk right now" I said and went up the stairs.

I went into my room and shut the door I took out the note and read it out loud. At the top of the page had the symbol I drew yesterday.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your very special,
To me and to you,
Here's a spell to show you,
The well you know you made in my heart.

Matt .K

All of a sudden the room got pitch black and there were red hearts floating in mid air, there were sparks of red dust exploding then all the red hearts came together and started to build up it started flashing then boom! All the dust started sparkling down. Someone burst through the door, my mom. She was looking around the room in surprise but not in shock.

"You mind telling me what's going on here?" She said.

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