Chapter Twenty One | When It Comes To Underwear, I'm Ambidextrous

Start from the beginning

"You're wet." He stated.

And all I could think was 'oh, in more ways then one, Flynn'. He opened the door to his apartment further, his way of inviting me in. I stepped through the gap, my body incredibly close to his practically naked one and I had to fight the blush that hit my cheeks when my shoulder brushed his peck. 

"It's...raining." I breathed out, trying to get a better control over myself. Just because Flynn was the epitome of all things attractive didn't mean I was going to lose my marbles. 

A few catseyes had rolled loose, but at least some were still in their bag.

Flynn's mouth, that sexy, alluring mouth, curved into a small smile as he chuckled. "It is? I never noticed."

My eyes narrowed at him naturally. "Are you just going to stand there all day half naked or are you going to put some clothes on?" I asked because his physique was actually throwing me off a little.

And that's when he must have finally clicked that because I was wet, my clothes were dripping all over his nice, dark chocolate coloured carpet. 

"Come with me, I'll find you some clothes as well." He said, nodding his head in the direction of what looked like the hallway. I frowned, looking down at myself. 

"No, I'm fine, I'll just go stand by the heater-"

"Harlow." His voice cut mine off at the knees. "You're creating a pond. Now come on."

"Alright, Officer." I muttered sarcastically behind him, earning a glare from the man himself as he led me down a cosy hallway.

Flynn stopped outside a closed door and pushed it open, revealing a messily made bed, and a chaotically clean bedroom. His bedside lamp was on, giving the room a relaxing, homely glow, and I glanced around his room with a smile as I took it in.

His duvet was the same colour as his couch, a navy blue and his pillows had the same coloured covers. The walls were like an ivory white, but the solid oak set of drawers and the flat screen mounted on his wall made the space look full. The carpet was the same dark chocolate as the rest of the house, and there was an open door that looked like it went into the en-suite to the right of the room.

"You're such a mess." I laughed, shaking my head slightly at the clothes strewn willy nilly all over the place. 

"Like you're much better," Flynn snorted in a teasing tone as he walked into the en-suite and came out with a fresh looking white towel. He walked back over to me and handed it over, smiling a little. "Little drowned rat."

I fought the urge to hit him and just rolled my eyes, starting on rubbing the towel through my hair, hoping to get most of the water out this way. 

He walked over to his dresser, and I watched in slight fascination as his shoulder muscles rolled smoothly under his bronzed skin, his lower back contracting and tightening as he pulled open one of the drawers to search through for some clothes. 

I shook my head and blushed when I realised what I was doing; ogling at him like some girl who had never seen a naked man before. 

I had, by the way. But did they look like Flynn? No.

He turned just as I ripped my eyes away from his rippling back and threw something in my direction that was black and soft and smelt just like him.

"Uh, do you want to-"

"Turn around? Sure." Flynn said, facing away from me so I could change. I rolled my eyes again because I was actually going to say leave, but I wasn't going to complain. 

"No peeking." I warned.

He just chuckled, staying where he was, so I quickly stripped off down to my bra and underwear and towel dried my skin, which wasn't too damp, considering, and yanked the black shirt over my head.

The minute it settled on my skin, I was assaulted with the fragrance of Flynn.

And damn, he smelt good.

"Do you have, uh, any pants?" I asked, pulling at the hem which had fallen about mid thigh. Flynn turned around again and his eyes flashed when he saw my appearance, but I ignored it as he pulled out a pair of boxers and flung them at me. 

When I caught the red and black plaid, I raised an eyebrow at him. 


"I always took you as a briefs sort of guy." 

Flynn's hand disappeared into the same drawer he'd pulled the boxers out of and it re-appeared with a dark grey pair of Calvin Klein briefs. "When it comes to underwear, I'm ambidextrous."

I bit back a laugh and watched as he threw the underwear back in the drawer before closing it, then realised he was still in a towel. 

"Aren't you going to get dressed too?"

Flynn nodded as he moved around the bed. "Can you chuck me those sweats beside you?" 

I looked down and picked up a pair of grey sweat pants, throwing them over to him. Flynn caught them one handed and put one foot through each foot hole, yanking them up before dropping the towel and all I could think was 'oh god, when it comes to wearing underwear, he's ambinothing'. 

Flynn snatched up a shirt from the bed and pulled it over his head, the red material settling over his big shoulders, making me swallow roughly.

"You look better in my clothes then I do." Flynn said with a teasing glint in his eye, but I tried to ignore his words as I remembered why I was here.

My grey eyes stared into Flynn's blue ones for a few seconds, before I tilted my chin upwards and said the words he'd been waiting to hear since I walked into his apartment.

"I think it's time we talked."

Flynn sighed, nodding. "Yeah. It is."

* * * * 

So I'm away next week, so there may not be an update in that time, so I'm sorry! But as soon as I'm back, I'll get the next few chapters up :) 

I hope you liked this one! It's not the most exciting or action packed chapter, but it was a necessary one, and Marley's POV is always fun, coz I just love that guy so much.

Vote, comment, you know what to do ;) 


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