Chapter 1 - Day as usual until...

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              So how's  it going?  Me?  Well it just hella  crazy knowing there's a lot of weird crap that had happened around me lately. So if you happened to experience some weird things, lets say unusual feeling that you are being watch, stop reading this.I envy you for having to live a normal and decent life. Dont say I didn't warn you.
               So here how it goes the Name is Cloud Hooverman, I am half filipino. I study in Bicol University currently taking Ab philosophy Im already at 3rd year. Just your typical college student day, I am currently attending my night class called epistemology and suddenly I have the urge to go the bathroom. I excused my self and went to the bathroom and thr bathroom in our campus was in another building. As I aproached the entrance to the CR i have this vibe that I am being watched. I got paranoid in little things and I told myself, what if A killer is stalking me, since there's been a number of people getting murdered lately. I moved on and I proceeded to piss. The feeling is still there and what happened next was prolly the most craziest thing ever. There is this big mirror behind me and as soon as Im done I faced the mirror, and as I was about to face the mirror my clothes just exploded and got ripped. No idea to what happened, there was a burning sensation in my chest and I noticed 3 gaping wounds that clawed itself to my chest. What worse is a woman just suddenly appeared behind me, her skin was snow as white, it was beautiful, i couldn't see her face as I am too afraid to look. I also noticed that her 3 fingers were covered in blood and I am sure that this little bitch clawed my chest. Whats worse is that she doesn't have a motha fucking reflection. Concerned with my life, I started to run for my life, but as soon as I can reach the door, the girl suddenly teleported in front of me and punched me so hard in the gut, that i fell unconscious. It was lighting fast that wasn't able to gaze upon her face. What will become of me? Am I going to end up dead? And Did I mention I am a good and simple guy, no vices and yet I have this bad luck bestowed upon me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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