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Songul's POV•

Thursday in Biology

My name is Songul Alper and I am sixteen and very bored.

I'm sitting in my 5th period class, Biology the class I have before lunch.

My teacher sat me at the back of the class which was a really bad idea considering all I do in Biology is sit on my phone and now that she sat me at the back, she just made it way easier for me to sit and do nothing.

It was 5 minutes before class ended and my teacher was talking about DNA, I sigh and go on Snapchat running a hand through my naturally wavy blond hair as I open the front camera on Snapchat and look through the face filters.

After discovering no new filters I was pretty disappointed and had to be satisfied with the dog filter.

I look at the camera, keeping a straight face to make it look more serious, I take the picture and as the caption I write 'Biology 👊'

I then post the picture on my story and send it to my best friends Arabella, Ally and Hailey like I always do with any snap I post.

Sighing I put my phone in my bag as my teacher walks over to me and puts a homework sheet on my desk, I look at it and roll my eyes folding it as I putting it in my bag, just as I done that the bell rang telling us that it is in fact my favorite period in school, Lunch.

I put my jacket on and got up putting my bag over my shoulder as I walk out the class and down the corridor to get my friends Arabella and Hailey, they had chemistry and since my friend Alex is a year older than us she was in a completely different class which means she's in a completly different part of the building, I take my phone out my bag and hold it in my hand seeing Arabella and Hailey standing outside Hailey's class waiting for me.

I walk closer to them and smile at them "Hiiiii" I say and start walking with Arabella on my right and Hailey on my left, Arabella was on her phone as always, I look over and see she's on twitter as soon as I see she's on twitter I already know she's trying to get Ethan to notice her, Ethan is one half of the Dolan twins and he's Arabella's favorite half, Grayson is the other half and he's my favorite half.

The Dolan twins, Grayson and Ethan, are youtubers and viners, they got famous from vine and then started a YouTube channel.

When I first started watching the twins I was so obsessed that my goal in life was for them to notice me, I mean don't get me wrong I'm still obsessed I just made myself a promise that I am not going to waste most of my time sending one tweet thousands of times, I will still tweet them just not as much as my friend Arabella here.

I look over at Arabella and roll my eyes sighing "Babe Ethan will never see that tweet please don't waste your time" I say to my best friend as she looks at me rolling her eyes "you never know he might see it" she says looking at me then looks back at her phone as I look at Hailey "you coming at the cafeteria with me?" I ask and she nods smiling, I smile back and look at Arabella "I swear to god he will never answer look" I say and unlock my phone going on Twitter as I make a new tweet

@GraysonDolan hit me up dude

I look at Arabella, not sending the tweet just yet "okay so if he answers I will throw a massive party this weekend, deal?" I ask confidently, knowing that Grayson will never even see the tweet never mind answer it.

Arabella nods smirking "yeah okay" she says and I sigh rolling my eyes as I press the 'Tweet' button sending the tweet "okay see you in the design classroom" I say putting my phone in my bag.

You see Arabella, Alex, Hailey and I always spend lunch in the design classroom because Arabella doesn't really like sitting in the lunch room with all the other people and as her friends we accept that and sit in the design classroom, personally I enjoy spending lunch there more than in the lunch hall as its way calmer and we can talk about anything without anyone hearing us and giving us weird looks.

I walk to the lunch line with Hailey and stand at the back taking my phone out and looking at it "Has he answer?" Hailey asks and I burst out laughing seeing no new notifications about anyone tweeting me only some people liking my tweet, I finish laughing and look at her "of course not Hailey" I say in a 'duh' tone as I hold my phone in my hand walking over to the lunch lady and telling her what I want, after she gave me it on a tray, I put my phone on the tray then pick it up walking over to Hailey who already has her lunch "let's go upstairs" I say as we start walking to the stairs.

After we get up to the classroom I walk in seeing Arabella and Ally there "hi bitches" I say as my phone buzzed and lit up, I look at it and see a notification

@Graysondolan: @songul_Alper sliding into your DMS 😏

my eyes widen and I drop the tray, my food going everywhere as I scream and run over to Ally and jump up on her, since she's 6'0 and I'm only 5'5 she caught me and every one looks at me and say "what the fuck" at the same time.

I shake my head not believing what just happened "just thought I saw a spider" I lie and walk back over picking up my now smashed phone and sigh pressing the lock button as the screen lit up the notification not there anymore as more have replaced it I try unlocking my phone but the screen wasn't working I groan rolling my eyes as I sit down next to Arabella, Ally in front of me and Hailey next to Ally.

'Did that actually happen or was I just seeing things?' I ask myself.

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