Ch. 1

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Emily sat in her last class of the day and waited for the bell to ring. Emily being quite impacient and fidgety could not wait for the three o'clock bell to ring. While she was waiting for the bell to ring, Mr. Reed droned on and on about China's air pollution. She started counting seconds until the sound of a shrill bell interrupted her counting. Emily jumped out of her seat and grabbed her sapphire blue backpack and headed out the door to find her best friend, Mahin.

Mahin was at her locker, number 209, putting her unneeded school books away. Emily came up behind  her and asked, " Hey, what're you doing tonight? I thought maybe we could go see that new movie, it's called Scarlet." Emily waited a couple of minutes wondering why her best friend would be ignoring her.  Emily asking in a concerened tone, " What's up? I thought you loved seeing those action movies." She waved her hand in front of Mahin a couple of times before Mahin shook her head out of her thoughts. Mahin said, " Oh, sorry Emily. I was in one of those trances I get." Then she lowered her voice to a whisper , "You know, when I have that weird trance about you looking up at the sky and seeing a massive black dragon coming down to carry you away." Emily then raised her voice a little higher than her friend was talking in. She said, "What do you think it means? Since it's been returning to you every day this week." Mahin and Emily walked by the dinning hall, when someone came up and hugged them from behind.

They heard a familiar voice say, "Hey guys what's new?" It took a minute or two for Emily to snap out of her thoughts and to realize that the familiar voice belonged to Wyatt. He said a little bit to loudly, " Guys, I think my dad is taking me to the Familiar Event this weekend." Mahin and Emily shushed him at the same time. Emily said, "I wish I could go but my parents won't let me till they know that I'm ready to start familiar training." Mahin sighed and said, "I can't go until I'm ungrounded." Mahin had gotten grounded because she went to a party with Wyatt and didn't tell her parents that there was drinking at that party. Her parents were very over protective and did not under any circumstance want to expose her to anything negatively influcencing. She had been grounded for several  days.


Later,  Emily was snuggled in her comfy bed and snap chatting her friends. She heard a thunderous crash down below her room. Wide eyed Emily got up and went down the stairs to see what had made that crash. She called for her mom, but she heard no reply. Since her dad was at work, she didn't bother calling out for him. Her dad worked nightshifts as a nurse. At the night shifts were often long, sometimes he didn't get home till noon the next day. She looked through the window but didn't see either of her parent's cars.

She heard the crash again. This time it was louder and it sounded as if it was by the kitchen. Caustiously creeping across the landing Emily went to check it out. Now in the kitchen, she studied the suspious area over by the dining table by the curtain covered window. She could not believe what she was looking at. On the kitchen counter there was a little midnight black figure. Looking closer than before the lump shaped into a figure with sharp mencing claws and a long snout with just as sharp fangs. The baby dragon only a few minutes old locked its dark gray eyes on hers only a shade lighter. Breaking the stare the baby dragon darted under the dining table . Emily was so surprised that she saw a real live dragon, she fainted.

Edited by enigma5-

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