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The next day, you woke up to the sound of scratching at your back door. You got up and said "What the..." sleepily and went to investigate. Once you got there all of the dires were at the door and wanted out. "what's the matter?" you said confused at what they wanted.

"OUT!" they all said together in unision. So you walked over to the door and opened it and they all ran out the door you curiously followed behind them. They vanished into the bushes.

"Hmmm...." you said. You stood there waited until the little black and yellow one came out form one. "What are you all doing?" You asked sounding slightly curious.

"We had to go really bad and didn't want to do it inside because that would be impolite so we all just ran to the back door and tried to open it but, as you saw, failed." He said without taking a breath but took a large one at the end like he just wanted to get over the topic. You tried to process what he said and soon enough the point came across your mind. They all had to go to the bathroom, or out if you were not a human.

"Well I guess I'll have to build a doggie-door then.One that's big enough for you biggest member to fit through and I could put a piece of wood inside so you all can put your nose on a part sticking out from it to open it because your so big and not small like other dogs so there would be more of a chance of bugs getting in." You said with confidence while you looked out at the rising sun.

" Doggie-door?" said Optimus said coming out from behind a bush.

"Yeah a door for doggies." You said with a smile.

"But we aren't doggies." Optimus said looking confused.

"I know, that's why I'm going to make a direwolf sized one." You said with the same smile.

" And how do you plan to make this doggie-door?" Optimus said wanting to know.

" With the help of my helpful, loving, father." You said smiling even wider.

~you probably thought I was going to kick them out, PSYCH!!!~


Living With Transformers Direwolves - On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now