I Miss You part 1-raulson

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Sarah's POV

                 I am writing this to you for the purpose of getting you back as a friend,not a lover. I miss you. We used to be so close. Until I had to ruin that. I confessed my love for you. I knew the minute the words "I love you" came out of my mouth that it was a mistake. It was good in the way that you did say you had feelings for me. That was the good part. But we both let our feelings get in the way of our friendship. If I wouldn't have said those words,we would still be talking to this day. Please, I know you're happy with Hamish, and I definitely do not want to disturb your happiness like I did before, but I just want my best friend back. If you can ,please meet me at that ice cream shop we always used to go to on Sunday at 2pm. If you don't come I understand. I won't be mad.

I finished typing the text and now was hesitant to press the 'send' button. It had just been so long since Lily and I had spoken. I was scared of how Lily would react. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable in anyway, I truly just wanted my best friend back.

I finally worked up the courage to hit send. My stomach erupted in butterflies as my iPhone made the sent noise.I stared at my phone screen and looked at Lily's name in my  phone,Lovepants💜. She always wore the same sweatpants that had the word 'love' on the butt. They were originally mine but she took them from me because she liked them so much. It just became an inside joke between us. Whenever Lily wore them it was kind of just a routine for me to grab her butt. But not in a sexual way, just a friend way.

I brought myself out of my thoughts and looked at the time. It was 11 pm and I decided to go to sleep because I had work in the morning. I went to sleep hoping Lily would agree to meet up with me.

Lily's POV -the next morning
I awoke to a sound coming from the bathroom. I turned over and saw Hamish combing his hair in the mirror.As my eyes adjusted to the light I decide to check my phone. I thought I was in a dream when I picked my phone up and saw a text from Sarah. We hadn't takes for months, why now? I was very confused but it also made me really happy. I missed her. Before everything happened between us, she was my best friend.

I read the text. She wanted to see me. She wanted us to be friends again. There was nothing that could have made this day better I was beyond ecstatic. I decided not to text back because I wanted to surprise her.  I was staring at my phone with a huge smile on my face when someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey babe what's making you so smiley? I like seeing you happy" Hamish asked.

"Oh it's just Ryan,he asked me to come back for American Horror Story this year." I lied not wanting to bring up Sarah to Hamish. But I knew that if it comes to it I could easily get back onto American Horror Story. The whole reason I left was because of Sarah. If it were up to me she would stay as long as she lived. I had to leave to stay sane. But now that  Sarah and I may be rekindling our friendship,I was actually going to think about going back.

"Babe that's amazing",Hamish said excitedly,"Are you gonna accept it? When you were on the show you were always in the best mood. I can tell how happy the cast makes you."

"Yeah. I think I'm going to do it" I replied. Little did he know that one of those cast members made me happier than he ever has. Yes Hamish makes me really happy. But Sarah had this special thing she could do that made me fall in love with her all over again every time I look at her. Who knows,do I want Sarah back as more than just a friend?

Authors note-if you couldn't already tell I'm new to this writing fanfiction thing. This isn't the best thing in the world but I'm working on it. Anyways I hope you liked it at least a little?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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