Before he could reply, someone dropped their bag on the floor to my right. I had been sitting in the closest chair to the wall, so I wasn't sure why someone would be on that side of me until I heard Rylan say, "Move, Kane."

Kane blinked at the command and he frowned once more. "Aw, shit, no. She's mine! I saw her first!"

"Excuse me?" he didn't own me, and I wasn't sure why he thought he did.

"She's no one's, Kane. Now scoot down." Rylan repeated. Kane heaved a sigh and lifted himself out of his chair, grumbling about some sort of bro code. I stayed where I was until Rylan spoke again. "Alex, scoot."

"Scoot?" I repeated stupidly. What was going on?

Kane's smile was back as he shifted closer to gently pull me out of my chair. "Fuck, yes." He pointed at the seat he'd just been occupying. I was still confused, but I dropped into the chair and then grabbed my stuff. Rylan dropped into the chair I'd just been sitting in.

"What was the point of that?" I asked as I glanced up at Rylan. He was more intimidating in person than I remembered.

Rylan didn't bother to answer as the bell rang, signaling the start of another class.


I was in the middle of furiously writing down notes as my physics teacher, Mr. Lucas, stood in front of the podium. He spoke quickly and my hand was starting to get tired from all the note taking I was doing.

The classroom door opened and a boy around my age stepped in. He pushed his glasses up his nose and strode to the front of the room to present a piece of paper to Mr. Lucas, who had stopped speaking at this point. Mr. Lucas glanced over the note and nodded. "Have a seat, please." He nodded at an empty seat right in front of me.

As the boy sat down, both boys on either side of me suddenly stopped what they were doing. Kane sniffed the air as it sounded like Rylan gave a soft growl. What the heck was that all about? I looked at both of them. Rylan suddenly went tense as the boy turned to look at him. His eyes started to move to Kane, but they stopped when he spotted me. He grinned and I shivered. I didn't like the way his gaze was lingering on me, but before I could move or say anything, my chair tipped backwards and I let out a yelp as I tumbled out of my seat.

Rylan didn't move a muscle, but Kane jumped up. "Are you alright, Alex?"

I nodded and felt my cheeks heat up for the billionth time today. Mr. Lucas was looking in our direction with concern, "What happened?"

"I-I'm sorry, Sir. I have no idea what happened." I managed to stammer.

He nodded and gave a small smile in my direction, "As long as you're alright." He glanced up at the clock before adding, "There isn't much time left of class. I've already given you your homework, so go ahead and mingle until class is over." He moved to take a seat behind the desk that sat next to the podium.

I righted my chair and sat back down. Kane tugged on a strand of my blonde hair to get my attention. "How do you know Ry?" he asked.

"We have homeroom together." I automatically replied.

He held his pencil in his left hand and drummed it on the table. "What other classes do you have?"

I handed him my class schedule and he looked it over carefully. His look was thoughtful as he asked over my head, "Doesn't Cedric have French during fifth period?" Rylan nodded and Kane continued. "Awesome! We have study hall together!"

"That's good?" I asked.

Kane snorted, "No, it's awesome!"

I bit my lip, but before I could ask any questions about their interest in me, the bell rang. Kane handed my schedule back, but Rylan stole it as I shoved my notebook and pencil into my bag. "Kane can walk you to your next class. His next class is in that general direction."

I knew at this point that there was no use in arguing, so I simply nodded my head. Rylan looked like he was forcing himself to seem relaxed. "Let's go, Alex." Kane said as he ushered me out of the classroom.

I followed him as he led me through a series of crowded hallways. I only hoped that I could find my way to this class tomorrow. Once we were there, I said goodbye to Kane. I was a little sad to see him go. He seemed really nice without being overly flirtatious, like Paris and Tucker had been, and he didn't seem scary, like Rylan.

My eyes wandered around the room. There were approximately twenty-five light colored desks sitting in perfect rows and a larger desk sat at the front of the room. The projector was hanging from the ceiling, and the projector screen had been pulled down at the front of the class. There were colorful pieces of paper along the wall, and on closer inspection, I could see they were quotes. I moved to an empty seat on the far side of the room and sat down.

A small lady stood at the front of the classroom, talking to a couple of other students. Most of the seats were still empty, so I was surprised when someone dropped into the seat directly behind me. "Lexi! I thought I'd never see you again." Tucker said dramatically.

I tried to hide my giggle behind my hand and when I turned to look at him, he smirked. "How's your morning been? Rylan sent me a text saying that at least one of us has been in each of your classes so far."

I nodded, "Yeah, I guess so." I wasn't really sure what to say so I started to turn back around when he tugged on my hair lightly.

"Not so fast, Lexi Bear. I wanna hear about your day."

I wrinkled my nose, "My day was like most first days of school, I think." I replied. What did he want me to say? Nothing exciting had happened during my day so far, and it wasn't like we were best friends. We weren't really even friends.

A large group of students chose that moment to walk through the door. They were all talking loudly amongst themselves, until the last kid stepped through the door. He looked familiar and I shuddered as I remembered the creeping feeling I'd received from him during my last class. It was him. The kid with the glasses.


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