About Me

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My work
I may not be the most popular author but I believe my book "The Scarlet Knife" is pretty good. I have a couple thousand reads combined because the book is also posted on QuoteV.
It's a work in progress, slowly but surely and I've yet to receive negative feedback other than complaints about not updating yet something that, as a student, is slightly beyond my control :)

As previously stated, I am a student. Please forgive me if I take a bit of time to respond or update. I truly will try my best to be efficient.
I'm the editor of my school's newspaper and am about to take an AP english class so I believe that I have a pretty strong understanding of "how to write".
By no means am I a Pro but I know the basics for sure.

I tend to read more fiction and fantasy styled books however non supernatural things with a good plot will always be worth reading so don't feel that your book isn't something I desire to review. I don't really read fan fictions however if you'd like me to look at yours I would be more than happy to. Just know that I of course will read on a first come, first serve basis however if there's a story that peaks my interest more than another I may choose that one before reading another that isn't catching my attention as much. 

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