"I saw you staring at me and Jared." She spoke pointedly.

"Guess I need to work on my stalker skills." You replied. You didn't care what she had to say. She was always all over Jared.

"You know, no one here cares for you." She gave you a look up and down.

"Good thing I only care for one of them, then." You gave a tight smile.

She scoffed slightly. "I only invited you because I felt sorry for you. I know with you being a freak you don't get to do much." She spat.

"You only invited me because Jared asked you to." You muttered, but loud enough for her to hear.

"What are you even doing here?" She asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Honestly, I have no fucking clue." You shoved past her after you spoke. You walked into the mens room and into one of the stalls.

You took a few deep breathes to try and calm yourself down. Just the sight of her made you grit your teeth. Freak. Is that the best she could come up with? You scoffed at yourself for getting so worked up. You walked out of the bathroom and were greeted by Jared's brilliant eyes.

"Fall in the toilet?" He joked.

"Nope. Got stopped by Medusa herself on my way." He chuckled lightly at your comment. "She's a-"

"Talking about me?" You were interrupted by Satan herself.

You turned your head and there she stood with a wicked smile. "All good I hope." She switched her eyes to Jared's.

"Yeah, right." You muttered.

"We were just talking about this wonderful party." Jared spoke up. He always knew how to brighten the mood. "You really outdid yourself, Ana."

"Thank you. I try to surround myself with amazing men and women." She put slight emphasis on women and looked in your direction.

"Maybe you could learn a thing or two from them." You hissed.

"So Jared," she ignored you as she put her hand on Jared's arm. "Oh, have you been working out?" She asked as she squeezed his arm slightly.

"Excuse me while I go vomit." You said barely above a whisper.

You heard Jared call your name as you walked away. You didn't care. You just needed to get away from that demon with blonde hair. Her putting emphasis on women as she looked at you made your gender dysphoria get to you. You usually did well with coping with it, but people like her really made it hard for you to just brush it off. Usually people who mocked you just weren't educated on your situation, but Ana was. Once upon a time, you two somewhat got along. You had explained it to her just like you did everyone else. However she refused to believe you. She told you she wasn't going to be known as the girl who was friends with a tranny. As she had put it.

You were about to leave when you were stopped by one of your coworkers. She was always really nice to you. You didn't know her that well, but according to a few of your guys' colleagues, she had a crush on you. You found it kind of cute, honestly. She was a few years younger than you with black hair that barely came past her shoulders. She'd only been working with you for a few months and you barely spoke, so you didn't really have signifigant feelings for her. She was kinda cute but really didn't seem like someone you could see yourself with. Probably because you had your eyes set on the same person for over two years now.

"Trying to steal my date?" You heard Jared's voice joke as he looked at Lucy.

She gave you both a sort of awkward look and scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry, I didn't know you two were a thing." She let out a nervous breath.

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