Chapter 2

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Sorry the 1 chapter was short I just wanted to start with Gerard and his thoughts

_____________________________________ Frank's POV

I was sitting in the couch watching TV when I see that the table is finished. I later on notice Gerard standing there into deep thoughts, man did he look sexy thinking. Yeah I admit since tour I have developed feelings for him but I will never say anything.

Reason is because I love Gee to much to fuck up our friendship and he's straight. Even if the great Gerard Way is gay I honestly think I have no chance.

Let me explain Gerard is the definition of Perfection in every way. The way he sings, the way he talks, the way he walks, his smile, his hair and lastly the way his face heats up every time I fake flirt with him. Little does he know I am not joking. Like I was saying, I have no chance with him if he was gay because he's perfect and well I am just Frank Iero nothing more than just that.

But I do wonder what he's thinking about. He just standing there thinking and not saying a word. Yeah every now and then he would stare at me but then he continues on to think. What if he's thinking of me. No Frank he's not I mean why would he?

Frank just grow a pair for once and just ask what he's thinking about. Well here goes nothing. "Hey Gee?"

No more silence, just a gentle kiss (Ferard)Where stories live. Discover now