Chapter 4: Kilika

Start from the beginning

By the time I had finished explaining myself, we made it to the beach, where there was a surprising amount of people out. They all came over to say goodbye to ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈, and wish her well on her pilgrimage. Riku joined her and the rest of the guardians as they thanked everyone, but I hung back. I still didn't feel like one of them, or like I could be apart of their journey. I had already overstepped my bounds yesterday, and didn't feel like doing it again. I didn't really feel like I belonged with the Aurochs either, but at least I had blitz in common with them. I got on the ship with them, and had to watch from a distance as ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ and her guardians waved goodbye to everyone. I didn't know any of these people. This was such a hard and sad journey for all of them, but it was just another day in my new life for me. It kind of...reminded me how much I didn't belong there.

Everyone was standing at the railing of the boat, waving and smiling and saying their last goodbyes to everyone on the dock. Instead of joining them, I felt like it would be best if I just went below deck. Some of the Aurochs where down there, so I got to spend some time with my new teammates...until a guy on the team named Natsu got seasick and threw up all over the cabin.

It had been only been a few hours that we were out at sea, but he looked a little green from the very beginnin, and finally just couldn't hold it in anymore. The whole cabin started to smell like puke, so I―along with the rest of the team―ran for the top deck for fresh air.

Everyone was standing around out under the burning sun; ≈≈≈≈≈≈ was flooded by a crowed of people at the front of the deck, with Kimahri standing just a few feet away from her, Riku was just behind her, looking out at the ocean and the waves, Zack was sitting against the wooden mast holding up the main sail, and Lulu was on the other side of the deck. I decided I was really closest with Zack, and would go talk to him a bit.

"Come to think of it, I haven't told you where we're going." He said, rubbing the back of his neck as I walked up. I really didn't care, I was just trying to go with the flow.

"First to Kilika Island, then we change boats and head for Luca. But before that, ≈≈≈≈≈≈ has to pray at the temple in Kilika. I'll be guarding her there, but we'll be praying for the Aurochs' victory, too, so you're coming along."

"Great plan." Lulu said sarcastically, able to overhear us because of how naturally loud of a speaker Zack was.

"Hey, it is a great plan." Zack shot back, then gave me a look as if asking for me to back him up.

"Don't look at me, man." I shrugged, and he scoffed playfully and tried to mess ruffle up my hair. I skipped away from him and ended up just a few feet in front of Lulu, who was looking at me with a perplexed expression. "Something the matter?" I asked her calmly.

"I don't know who you are, or where you came from...I can't quite figure you out." She examined me from head to toe and I chuckled awkwardly.

"Nothing to figure out really."

"That remains to be seen." She said, turning her back on me to end the conversation. I got the feeling she didn't much care for me.

With a sad sigh, I walked over to Kimahri, who crossed his arms and scowled at me. I was about to go running back into the cabins, when I overheard two guys talking about ≈≈≈≈≈≈.

"Word is that summoner's got noble blood."

"I heard she's Lord Braska's daughter." They whispered back and forth. I would have asked her about it directly, but there was a wall of people around her. The best I could do was to walk around over to where Riku was, at the very front of the ship.

" ≈≈≈≈≈≈'s father famous or something?" I asked him.

"You could say that...she's the daughter of High Summoner saw his statue at the temple."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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