"Well it was a pleasure to meet you miss Jade but I'm afraid I must be going, I'm supposed to be checking out of here, like an hour ago."

"Uh y-yeah okay, bye." I awkwardly wave as he walks away waving and giving me one last smile.

I promise I never used to be this awkward around people. I just have a really hard time trying to trust people now. I don't want to say this because I don't want it to sound like I'm having a pity party for myself, but I come from a pretty fucked up background.

Which long story short, is how I ended up here and on the run.

I head back into my room deciding on taking a shower, something I haven't had in about a week and a half.

When I'm done my shower I decide to just lay in my bed and go to sleep. To be quite honest, my life at this point is really going nowhere. I don't have any family left, at least not that I know of, and I have no set destination. I'm just running.

It doesn't take me long to fall asleep. Something I don't particularly like doing, the nightmares tend to be pretty bad. Only it used to be a living nightmare, and I'm extremely afraid of it happening again.


I stick my thumb out for probably the twenty seventh time today, just hoping that somebody will stop for me.

I continue to walk down  the long highway as the car speeds by, whipping my hair in every direction possible.

After about another twenty minutes of me walking, a fancy black car pulls up beside me.

I stop in my tracks to look through the window at whoever has stopped.

A guy with olive skin, jet black hair and sunglasses who looks to be about my age peers at me.

"you want a lift?" The guy politely asks me to which I nod.

I walk around his car to he passenger side and hop in.

"Where are you headed?" I ask him so that I can hopefully pin point approximately where I am. And how far from home I am. How far away from him I am.

"Oh I'm just passing through the area, headed to London." He explains to me as ye at begins to move again, slowly accelerating every second.

I nod at him and play with my hands.

"You can just drop me off at the next town." I tell him while I begin to fiddle with the gold heart locket around my neck.

I don't hear him respond and I don't look up to see if he heard so I just assume that he must have nodded or something of the sort.

After about ten minutes of us driving in what I can tell is the middle of nowhere, I notice the guy, whose name I have learned is Jake, pull down a dirt road that is surrounded in nothing but trees and grass.

"Um, I-I think you took a wrong turn." I attempt to politely point out so that he doesn't get mad.

"No." He shakes his head turning to me with a mischievous grin on his face. "I just have a better idea."

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