He felt tears drip on his face and looked back up to see Sam crying. Gabriel just lifted his hand, touching Sam's cheek and frowning. Maybe it was because of the suddenness of it all, but he didn't feel any pain, and he was more worried about Sam at the moment.

Sam stood and motioned towards the house frantically, signing something with his hands though he couldn't be sure what it was. He did recognize the don't move motion though before the boy took off, and Gabriel was just left with his thought and a big piece of metal impaling his side.

Pain started not long after Sam disappeared and he let out a groan, his hand touching his hip and coming back slick with blood. He took in a deep breath, looking around before placing both hands on the ground, gingerly lifting his body up to hopefully get off the shard, but stopped when the pain intensified, and he decided that laying still was best.

Sam came running back a minute later, still crying as he pointed to Gabriel at someone he couldn't see. Bobby came into view and the man let out a string of swears before he crouched by Gabriel, looking at the injury.

"You're lucky as hell, son. That metal missed anything important." Bobby finally muttered, grabbing Gabriel gently and tugging him up, the metal coming with him and making him hissed as it moved. He got carried back to the house, feeling a little light-headed as he swayed back and forth as he was carried up the stairs.

"Ellen!" Bobby shouted, setting Gabriel halfway in a seat, the hip with the metal in it hanging off the side. Ellen rushed in, Gabriel's mother right behind her, and gasped when she saw Gabriel, hurrying over and surveying the damage.

"Does he need to go to the hospital?" Gabriel's mother asked, looking like she was about to throw up. Ellen frowned, grabbing the metal piece and pulling on it just a little bit. Gabriel let out a soft whine, finding Sam's hand and squeezing it tightly as she pulled a little more, the shard falling to the floor with a clatter.

"No. I don't see any organ damage or leakage." Ellen said in relief, looking up as Bobby handed her the first aid kit and a towel. She began patting around the wound to get rid of some of the blood before applying pressure. "The piece was small enough to do damage, but not a tremendous amount. The most they would do is sow it up and bandage it."

And that's exactly what Ellen did, cleaning off the wound gently as she went and making sure that all the stitches were clean before wrapping it up in a bandage, letting out a sigh of relief as she finished. "I'll get him a new shirt. Can you help him out of that one. I don't want him moving that side more than he has to."

She disappeared down the hall, taking Gabriel's mother around the shoulder and comforting to her as she led her from the room. Gabriel was thankful for that, knowing his mother was in good hands as Sam carefully shuffled the shirt down Gabriel's left arm, then his right, before pulling it over his head. Gabriel let out a sigh, not realizing how hot yet cool it had been with that wet shirt, and it was only until Sam let out a gasp that he remembered his scars.

He vainly tried to hide himself, but he didn't get a chance as Sam grabbed his arms tightly, keeping them from moving. Bobby swore under his breath at the scars, turning his head away as his face twisted in rage. Gabriel felt himself sniff, tears spilling from his eyes faster than he ever thought possible as he saw the dark stare of Sam's eyes.

'Who?' Sam mouthed, hovering in front of Gabriel with a pure look of concern. Gabriel looked away from Sam, wishing he could pull his arms to his chest and hide forever, but he couldn't as he cried, trying to tug his arms away from Sam's grip.

"Gabriel, what's wrong?" He heard his mother say, but he didn't get the chance to even answer as Sam wrapped his arms around him, hiding him from everyone but him. He glanced up at Sam, but saw the boy was glaring at Gabriel's mother, a wary look in his eyes.

"Sam, it wasn't his mother." Bobby said, moving a bit closer to the two boys. "It was his father, okay?"

Sam's glare faltered just a little bit before he looked down at Gabriel, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment before he let go of Gabriel, taking the boy's hand and gently leading him from the room, not letting anyone else get near Gabriel. When they finally made it to Sam's room, he sat Gabriel down on the bed, wrapping his arms around him and not letting down no matter how much Gabriel cried.

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