starting to realize the situation

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-Honey's POV-

I walked around greeting the people who all came to Chev's party "Oh Hey Hunter ^^" I said and smiled "Oh, Hey Honey ^^" Hunter Replies with a smile "So have you seen Chev at all?, he was acting weird earlier" I asked him "No I haven't, what do you mean by he was acting weird?" Hunter asked "He was seeming upset" I reply with and then go to look for Chev

-Chev's POV- I sat on the roof trying to hold back my tears "It's been 2 hours and Alex still isn't here....." I say to myself as I start to cry "He said he would, But the thing is" he looks up "The thing is.....What if Alex likes me?" He says to himself

-Alex's POV-

I walk to Chev's house for his party carrying my bag I took for my interview "Chev is most likely gonna be pissed at me for being later then expected, but what if he feels the way I feel for him?" I says as I looks at Chev's house and I realize I start to blush "Let's just try not to think about that..." He says as he stops blushing then he continues walking

-Chev's POV-

I look around after wiping my tears away I see Alex "Oh crap!, he's here...." I quickly say as I hop back into my room and quickly change clothes "Let's hope he doesn't ask if I was crying" he says as he walks downstairs "Oh there you are ^^" Hunter says as he takes a drink of soda "Oh, Hey Hunter ^^" he says and smiles "How are you doing?" Hunter asks as he has a black eye "Hey....How you get the black eye?" I ask concerned "Remember when Honey did that stream where I said I hit myself with that pan?" Hunter asked me "Yea?...." I said "Yea when I say I'm gonna do something I mean it" he says and chuckles "Oh" I say and I laugh then I see Alex walk in "Hey Alex!" I say then walk over to Alex and hug him friendly "It's about time you got here ^^" I say cheerfully and I smile "I'm glad to be here ^^" Alex replies with happily and then he hugs me back

" I said "Yea when I say I'm gonna do something I mean it" he says and chuckles "Oh" I say and I laugh then I see Alex walk in "Hey Alex!" I say then walk over to Alex and hug him friendly "It's about time you got here ^^" I say cheerfully and I s...

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-Alex's POV- As I hugged him I think for a second then lightly hold Chev's hand then whisper into his ear "I love you Chev...." I whisper as I blush heavily

-Chev's POV-

As I heard him say I love you my face turns red "......"

(Requested by Youtuber Honey Licious) ChevxAlex Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now