Then she sees a tall well built guy sporting a sun kissed complexion walking passed her office smirking. She looks away but he walks by again deliberately then knocks on her door, before he extends his hand out to her.

R: Hey there I am Ravi, I work on Kyle's team

Lydia immediately feels her body get more alert at the mention of Kyle's name but she offers a sweet smile before shaking Ravi's hand. 

L: So nice to meet you, I am Lydia

R: I know who you are

L: Did Francois mention me starting today? (Smiles)  It seems like there might have been some confusion 

R: Nope! Francois doesn't mention anything. Besides confusion is his middle name, he uses it to pit us all against each other

Lydia just looks at him in shock, Ravi can see the fear in her eyes, the self doubt of whether she made the right decision by taking up this new job. Then Ravi bursts out laughing watching her terrified expression.

R: Just kidding.....only about the pitting us against each other. Everything else I said is true

Lydia chuckles appreciating that someone is trying to lighten the mood, right then Tina walks back into Lydia's office

T: Lydia the IT team are on their way up

R: (chuckles) The entire team?

T: (rolls eyes) Shut up Ravi just two people, one to set up her phone and the other to set up her laptop

Just as Ravi is about to come back with another snarky comment Tina sighs as she sees someone coming towards her.

T: Finally Kyle is here

Lydia's heart starts to race as she anticipates seeing Kyle again. Maybe he was only slightly handsome as she recalls. She tries to calm herself by telling herself.

L: Relax you are not a teenager anymore 

Tina looks back at Lydia as Ravi continues to chuckles some more

T: Ofcourse you are not a teenager Lydia

Lydia face is crimson as she realizes she said that out loud. To make things worse Tina continues to give Kyle instructions as he is walking towards Lydia's office still unable to see the beautiful girl that has occupied his mind frequently over the past few weeks.

T: Kyle over here. Francois has pulled another one of his usual stunts. Today is Lydia's first day I need you to take her out for lunch since he is not here. She's been waiting for you, I think you might be the only person she recognizes besides me

'What the hell did Tina just say?' Lydia thinks to herself as her blush deepens. Just when Lydia thinks things could not get worse she notices Ravi smirking before turning to Kyle

R: Yeah man she was really waiting for you

T: Now that Kyle is here I am leaving. I have a ton of shit to do

Lydia wants to just run out the door, into the elevators and out the building, she is dying of embarrassment. What she doesn't know is as nervous as she feels right now, Kyle has been waiting to see her again since they first met. This must be some internal office joke she thinks to herself. How could this place be so dysfunctional? It's only her first day surely there should be a honeymoon period where everything looks wonderful.

Then she sucks in a deep breath as she sees Kyle standing at her door looking hotter than he did the first time they met three weeks ago. Oh god she thinks to herself she probably looks comical with her deep crimson blush her breathing altered and the fact that she won't stop staring at her shoes to avoid contact. She just doesn't know how to face him the comments about her waiting for Kyle. She would be lying if she told herself he hadn't thought about him, infact she thought about him frequently just not as frequently as Kyle thought about her.

K: Hey welcome Lydia. Don't worry I am right next door to you, you can come to me for anything

The minute he says that out loud his eyes widened as he realizes how that statement could be misinterpreted. Then out of nowhere the dark haired blue eyed beauty bangs down her phone walking into Lydia's office. Lydia finds her strange curt behavior earlier uncalled for but doesn't want to encourage her immature behavior by acknowledging it. The girl walks in then announces herself.

B: I am Beatrice I work for Kyle too

L: Hi I am Lydia

B: (curt tone) Yes I know

R: (smirks using a taunting tone) Don't worry Lydia you can go to Kyle for anything, he will take good care of you

Kyle clenches his teeth as he looks at Ravi who knows the affect Lydia had on him after their first meeting. Lydia finds the whole situation awkward, it would have been funny if she was not attracted to Kyle. Then as Ravi leaves her office still wearing a cheeky smile Kyle flips him off to which Lydia chuckles. Just when she thinks the worst is over she sees Beatrice walking over to Lydia scanning her with her eyes, inspecting her from top to bottom.

B: (narrows eyes) Hmmmm......interesting angle

L: Angle?

K: Knock it off Bea

'Bea' what the hell? Did Kyle just call her 'Bea' they must be friends too. This whole environment seems unprofessional, immature so far but what Lydia hears next shocks her even more

K: Bea don't you have to prepare of our meeting at ten?

B: (sarcastic) Yes master I do

Bea walks out swaying her hips smirking knowing she has freaked out Lydia which was exactly her intention. Kyle sees the very evident look of shock, panic, slight disgust even then he closes Lydia's door before speaking again.

K: Lydia let me just settle down I just walked in. Why don't you come with me for this meeting we have at ten. Your computer won't be fixed that fast anyway but perhaps when we come back you might be able to log in

L: Okay yeah sure. Kyle?

K: Yeah

L: What was that?

K: What? Which part?

L: All of it really but Beatrice right now

K: Oh call her Bea. It's a long story perhaps you need some alcohol with lunch too to get through it 

L: (giggles) Perhaps you are right

K: (cocky) I am always right 

L: (arched eyebrow) Is that right?

K: (smirk) You'll come to realize this for yourself I just helped you short cut your way there. I'll see you in twenty minutes Lydia

L: Okay

Kyle leaves to go into his office, which is right next door. Lydia can not believe she is so flustered around him. How has this guy managed to get her heart racing, face blushing, looking like a helpless puppy? Lydia's thoughts are quickly interrupted when she sees Bea watching her snarling slightly. 

Ravi walks up to Violets desk before telling her what transpired in Lydia's office. Then he leans into her as he whispers.

R: Violet this is going to be fucking awesome 

V: (chuckles) I know it is going to be a fucking soap opera

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