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  • مهداة إلى Zach edmunds (My dear friend)

It was a warm summer’s night, the day I remember the love I had for music and the joy I had for life; gone instantly in a flash of a fang. But it wasn’t all bad at first. I remember the day like a long lost dream; it was 10:45 P.M. on the 16th of July, 1926. The world was cooling down from the hot summer’s day. The night was full of life as there was a festival celebrating the birth of Jazz and our small urban culture.

Mommy and Daddy were preoccupying the twins; it was mostly Daddy as he could not cook and decided to leave Mommy at her furnace of love, making her town famous Mystery Stew. Leaving me also to get myself beautified for our one night of freedom as a family.You see, our lives revolve around work and play.

Mommy, Daddy, Billy, Susie, and Me work at the Black Co. Factories in the heart of New Orleans. Today was the one year anniversary of my big brothers death, I had to be the one to hold his name and life as I was the second oldest in the family.

I picked up an old black and white photo from my drawer; he looked as peaceful as his blue eye’s glistened in the sun. I had to hold back the tears as not to mess up my makeup, it is improper for young lady to appear with fowl look and distaste of fashion.

Sitting down to look at myself one last time, I could see that age and time have taken its toll on me. I miss my old life of living in the background of the highest of the heights of the south. But fathers business fell through and we had to move here, I can still feel the rage inside for my father; but like a good girl I keep it all inside.

I had reached into my velvet closet and reached for my deathly black and red corset and my heavenly stripped skirt. I had to look my best for my family and for my first real festival. I saw nothing but a death angel and a child who had lost her way. I had been lost for so long; my brother and my family were the only things holding me together.

I looked across the way of my house and could see my cold frozen prince Longley waiting for me to come to him. He smiled as I waved a warm hand at him. He mouthed the words,

“When shall we meet my darling?” I blushed and said back, “Soon my sweet prince.” He was off into the night as was I.

I walked on and on, the mist from the sea was breath taking, touching my skin sending chills down my spine. My cold hand and vivid dream ended as I met his gaze. I smiled at first, then I say his eye's. The eye's of a killer. The eye's of a monster. The eye's of a lover.

"What is it my love?" I turned for only a moment to face my beloved, only to turn back and wish I was caught in the monsters gaze again. I only whispered back, "Nothing is wrong Liam, just a shadow of a lost dream." He gazed upon me like a mad woman, but helped us continue on our way like nothing had happened.

We reached the booth's, the marriage booth caught Liam's eye. I wanted to keep going onward, but he tugged at my corset. "May we dear, it would be most romantic." I rolled my eye's, trying to hold back my laughter. "Liam for the last time, I will marry you when I marry you. That is if you feel the same about me." His face turned red, he knew father wouldn't approve of him or any other type of boy till I was legally of age. 'Two more years', I thought to myself, 'just to more years and I can clam Liam as my love forever and ever.' I looked down and felt sad, "You do feel the same about me right?" He held up my head "Yes my dear, like the moon loves the sun; I will wait for thee." He then kissed me passionately. I felt the eye's upon me once again.

Of course father came and grabbed me up and away from my prince, to my father Liam was nothing but a commoner and a low life and only thought we were friends. Which killed my father enough inside already. I said my goodbye's to Liam, he grabbed my arm. "Tonight we shall meet and be together forever my love." I blushed and turned away from him, my father eyeing his every move; walked away slowly behind me.

On and on my father went about how amazing mother was and how he wanted me to be just like her, "Be more like your mother Emilia, your too stubby and your never going to find a true man if you stay around this Liam kid. As a matter of fact I think it's time I introduced you to someone I think you'll like. Someone suitable for you. Yes indeed a perfect mate for you indeed." My stomach turned, I could tell that this night wasn't't going to be the best night ever. "Yes father, anything you say father." He seemed pleased with myself and handed me some gold coins, "Go get yourself something pretty and make a great impression for Zach." I just sighed, I hate Zach. Zach smith, the most arrogant, rich jerk you'll ever meet. (Luckily he's dead by now, but that's besides the point.)

I only sighed and walked away, only to realize that I had tripped and fallen; breaking my fall with the money pouch. I felt a sudden pain and then warm liquid falling down my throat. I tried to get up but it was no use. I heard somebody calling my name, "Emilia... Emilia." I saw Zach come from the outside of my eye. I tried to reach out, but a beast came between us. I felt it's fur so soft and pure. Like a wolf's. I felt the ground leave me once more, I tried hard to hold on and look back. Zach could only cry our my name as I was stolen from the scean.

"Your going to be alright." Was all I heard.

"Rest my darling."

Darkness took over and I was no more awake.


I hope you like it, it's a school project and I thought it was ok to put up on here.

Had to add more to it because I didn't relize how short it was. I promise to make the parts as long and as interesting as possable.

So comment, vote, and become a fan.

Tell me what to fix on here or anywhere else.

Tell me your story's and anything else of interest.


Blood Shot Eyes (Dracula's Bride) *February 20, 2014**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن