Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. After that night mary coudent stop thinking about bob... she said that she has been waiting for that moment!!! so she texed bob and said "hey sit by me at lunch tomorow" "ok". mary slowley falls asleep as her phone vibrates."beep beep beep" she slowley roles over to the other side of the bed and turns off the alarm clock. she looks at her phone from last night and saw that she had 24 miss text messages!!! So she gets dressed for school. she just got her drivers licences 3 weeks ago. so she drives her new fordrunner to school. bob pulls up right next to her in a little crappy car... "wow". They walk in school together and she goes to her first class and he goes to his first class. after there 4th period they have lunch. so mary sits down with a bunch of her friends, and bob comes over and says "can i sit there"? "sure". so they talk about the night before and how they both had a great time. katie says "you guys went to the park last night together???" "ya..." bobs walks away becouse he dosent want to be apart of it. and he aleardy knows that katie dosent like him so.. he goes over with his football team and eats lunch with them insted. he tells them that he really likes mary and he dosent want her to know becouse....end of chapter 2. chapter 3!!! he didnt want her to know becouse he didnt know if she had a bf or somthing else. That day after school bob texted mary and said "want to go the movies tonight"? " ya that would be cool"

"ok". Later that night they met at the movie theaters. mary said "what movie are we gonna watch"? "idk" they eneded up wathing men in black 3. they wait about 10mins in the line.. they get there tickets and go get popcorn and a drink and some candy. bob holds the popcorn and candy, mary holds the drink. They walk into the men in black room, and find a seat in the back row. Right when she sits down the popcorn hits the floor... BOOM! "sorry i didnt meen to do that":'( "its fine" "ok". They both turn there phones off and put them in there pocket. The movie starts and they are quit.... end of chapter 3!!"

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