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Wednesday April 6th, 2016

Really hate being sick.

I don't know what it is, but as soon as Thanksgiving hits, I'm congested, usually in the nose (just to the point where I can't breathe, less than I usually can), and it lasts till the middle of spring. And I either get colds or I don't, there is no in between for me, they either screw me over or I just don't get them at all. Like, I will miss an entire week of school and still be sick three weeks after that. And just recently, I got sick last Sunday, and I missed school Monday, went to school Tuesday, felt relatively fine, then I went Wednesday and my voice was, you know, raspy from being sick. Then Thursday came, and my voice was almost completely gone, and I work front counter where I work.

Then Friday came, and I just could not talk, but I got to work later that day, and I could talk a bit better than at school - and, mind you, I had CLC all day Friday, meaning I had to sing like it was a concert, and I ended up lip syncing all of our songs. Saturday came, and I could legit, barely whisper, and I was going down to the cities to see Earth, Wind, and Fire and Chicago in a concert. This was a concert I could not yell at, and let me tell you, it was horrific. Then Sunday came, so yesterday, and my voice was just a tad better, and both days, my voice was coming and going in the middle of my sentences, so I was half whispering and half actually talking in the ugly, sick voice that I had.

Then today, I can actually talk more than I could over the weekend, but I wheeze when I laugh, because I don't actually have a voice. Now, let me tell you, I have never lost my voice before. I could scream and yell and sing for hours or days upon end, and my voice would be the slightest bit raspy, like you could tell I'd been doing something, but this past week, I had lost it, and (I am not one to talk during class unless I have friends in there, or I just don't like people, and I've become quite shy in the past few years) legit, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't explain to my mom what I was doing while she was yelling at me to get ready for the concert, and when I tried, it literally came out in a raspy squeak, it was terrible. My throat doesn't hurt anymore, so that's a plus, but it does when I wake up, just because I snore, and I've become a mouth breather since Sunday last week, and it's just been terrible.

And when I get sick, I'm usually congested in the nose, and not the lungs, but I was this last week, and I'm pretty sure my voice has been buried under all the mucus in my lungs. Oh yes, I'm coughing that up as well. Especially at night, because who needs sleep?

So yeah, that was my week, how was yours?

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